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Is SQL Connection Function or API Availble in SQL Toolkit 2.2 (Urgent) ?

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Hello Vix

Thanks to reply, yes my problem is that in distribution configration i never want to make connection on ODBC.

Is you mean i want to download "Microsoft SQL Server ODBC Driver," ?. 



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Message 11 of 16



I believe what Vix is trying to say is that in your DBConnect function: DBConnect("DSN=RADSdb"), replace "DSN=RADSdb" with a direct connection string. He linked as a place to determine the direct connection string for your application.

Taylor B.
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 12 of 16


Kindly send me the direct link of connection string because i am unable to find the exect string that i have been used, i am using My SQL Server 2008 and SQL Toolkit 2.2.




0 Kudos
Message 13 of 16
Accepted by topic author umer_awan

Do you mean MySQL?

In this case the possible connection strings are listed here.

If you don't have any specific need you can use the connection string listed as "Standard". Otherwise you can have a look to the other ones (it depends on your needs).


If you mean Microsoft SQL Server 2008, the connection strings are listed here.

You can use the "Standard Security" one, if you don't have any specific need.


I suggest you that you should spend some time reading the Articles and Q&A section on

It's very useful and in this way you can better understand the whole topic


Hope this helps

In claris non fit interpretatio

Using LV from 7
Using LW/CVI from 6.0
Message 14 of 16

vix ha scritto:

Here are the bugs I found (discussed through private support channel):

  • DBTables (hdbc,"","","", DB_TBL_TABLE);                        - even objects that aren't tables are fetched
  • DBTables (hdbc,"","","", DB_TBL_TABLE | DB_TABLE_VIEW);        - right syntax (according to help), but gives "Unknown flag value"
  • DBMapColumnToDouble (hmap, "MEAS1", &meas1, &meas1Stat);            - the following DBCreateTableFromMap() creates a column called "MEAS1" (I mean the quotes are part of the name of the column)
  • using DBCreateParamChar() to pass an empty string "" gives an error                - no way to pass empty strings to stored procedures

Hello vix, thanks for your info. I'll take them into account while developing my application. Luckily my app will not need many of the feature you've found problems into (for example I'm not expected to create any database table) but anyway thanks for sharing your experience.



Proud to use LW/CVI from 3.1 on.

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Message 15 of 16

Hello Vix,


Thanks for helping Umer. I also wanted to take a moment to address the bugs that you listed. I did find a Corrective Action Request (CAR) filed for the DBCreateParamChar issue. The CAR number is 308897. As for the problems with DBTables, I followed up with our R&D team, and they said they are aware of your feedback and still plan to address many of the problems in SQL Toolkit in a future release. Thank you for your feedback as we strive to provide quality products.


I hope everyone has a wonderful day,

Taylor B.
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 16 of 16