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Is there a way to not include the 64-bit NI drivers in the distribution kit?



I have an application I distribute that depends on a third party 32-bit only drivers.  Or in other words, the application is not going to be installed on a 64-bit system.  Is there a way, when including the NI drivers in the distribution kit, to only include the 32-bit versions of the drivers?  Doing so should reduce the overly bloated size of the installer by eliminating a large number of files that are not going to be needed.  I'm running CVI 2010.



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Message 1 of 3

Hi tstanley,


I've checked into this and I'm afraid that the when you build a distribution, you can only choose different parts of the driver that are installed, not whether 32 or 64 bit driver versions are installed.  For example, the entire NI-DAQmx driver is composed from NI-DAQmx Application Development Support 9.2.3, NI-DAQmx Core Runtime 9.2.3, and NI-DAQmx MAX Configuration Support 9.2.3.  If you are using the NI-DAQmx driver to talk to your hardware, you must include the NI-DAQmx Core Runtime 9.2.3, but the other two parts are optional (as you may not need to use MAX for your application or some of the LabVIEW VIs in the Application Development Support).  You can choose each of these parts of the driver in the Drivers & Components tab of the Edit Installer window.


Shawn S. | NIC
Instrument Driver/IVI PSE
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 3

That's how I figured it worked, but I thought I would ask just to be sure.  Thanks!

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