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Launching command line compiler

I would like to use Launchexecutable to launch the command line compiler. When I try this is seems like the compiler starts up, but the parameters are not getting passed. (the project to compile)


to simplify I put the project in the same directory and the command.exe program:


This works when I run it on windows using the command line utility "RUN":


"C:\Program Files\National Instruments\CVI71\compile" "autogen.prj"


However these do not work:

            LaunchExecutableEx("""C:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\CVI71\\compile"" ""C:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\CVI71\\autogen.prj""",LE_SHOWNORMAL,&handle);
            LaunchExecutable("""C:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\CVI71\\compile"" ""C:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\CVI71\\autogen.prj""");
            LaunchExecutable("C:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\CVI71\\compile autogen.prj");
            LaunchExecutable("""C:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\CVI71\\compile"" ""autogen.prj""");

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in order to help debugging this: write a simple executable that accepts and display the command line parameters. something like:


int main( int argc, char *argv )


    printf( "%i arguments passed:\n", argc );

    for ( i = 0; i < argc; i++ )

        printf( "%i: {%s}", i, argv[i] );

    return 0;



now use LaunchExecutable to run the resulting exe and see what it is receiving as parameters. it should give you a hint on what's going on with your call.

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Message 2 of 4

Have you tried using:


    LaunchExecutable("cmd /c C:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\CVI71\\compile autogen.prj"); 



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Or try:


LaunchExecutableEx("\"C:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\CVI71\\compile\" \"C:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\CVI71\\autogen.prj\"",LE_SHOWNORMAL,&handle);


(i.e Use a backslash to escape a double-quote within your string.)


Mert A.

National Instruments

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