Hi Ted,
This is exactly what I am trying to do i.e. to create a DLL from function panel. The piece of code where I am using the MessagePopup function is shown below:
int at71612a_check_instr_error_status (int instrumentID)
char *token;
if (at71612a_invalid_integer_range (instrumentID, 1, at71612a_MAX_INSTR, -1) != 0)
return at71612a_err;
Fmt (cmd, "%s<:SYST:ERR?");
if (at71612a_write_data (instrumentID, cmd, NumFmtdBytes ()) != 0)
return at71612a_err;
if (at71612a_read_data (instrumentID, cmd, 200) != 0)
return at71612a_err;
token = strtok (cmd, ",\n");
Fmt (&at71612a_err, "%d<%s", token);
token = strtok(NULL,"\n");
Fmt (errorstring, "%s<%s\n", token
if (at71612a_err != 0)
MessagePopup ("AT 71612A", errorstring);
return at71612a_err;
return at71612a_err;
This is the only function where I am calling the MessagePopup function.
I am not sure why CVI is giving me the Link error although it is compiling perfectly.
Can you throw some light on what are the reasons when CVI gives Link Errors?