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Links to other apps in installer

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Hello all,

my workspace contains several projects, hence several executables, but only one shows up in the [Start] menu after installation.


In the [Edit installer][Files], I've added the various executables in the [Program Files][MyAppName] folder, and they are indeed installed.

But the [Start >> Programs][MyAppName] folder is empty. How come there's not even the one app I see ? And how tdo I add shortcut to the other executables ? Doing [Add File] seems to copy the full executable there.


It's not clear how that thing works.

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Message 1 of 3

Hi gdarguad, 


I would take a look at the article below:


It offers steps for selecting where to install your executables with options for the Start menu as well as Program Files.  


Best wishes!

Amanda B.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 3
Accepted by topic author gdargaud

Sorry, that wasn't quite what I asked, but I found the solution: it's simply in the 'Shortcuts' tab. I just need to create one for each app I copy.

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Message 3 of 3