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NON-FATAL RUN-TIME ERROR: "t:\...\CVI2012\instr\hpe363xa\Hpe363xa.c", line 108, col 28, thread id 0x00001160: Function viOpen: (return value == -1073807202 [0xbfff009e]). Une bibliothèque de code ne peut pas être localisée ou chargée.




Je suis débutant sur LabWindows/CVI 2012, version d'évaluation.



J'ai ajouté un "Instrument driver", le hpe363xa.h pour commander un E3631A de Agilent (Alimentation +6V, +25V, -25V).


Je souhaiterais juste tester et compiler la fontion suivante:


hpe363xa_init ("GPIB::5", VI_ON, VI_ON, &E3631A_Handle);     


Après compilation, je n'ai pas de problème.


Mais dès que je fais un RUN de mon simple programme, pendant l'éxécutinon du programme j'ai l'erreur suivant:


NON-FATAL RUN-TIME ERROR:   "t:\...\CVI2012\instr\hpe363xa\Hpe363xa.c", line 108, col 28, thread id 0x00001160:   Function viOpen: (return value == -1073807202 [0xbfff009e]).

Une bibliothèque de code ne peut pas être localisée ou chargée. 


Comment faire pour éviter cet erreur durant l'éxécution du programme.




Merci pour vos réponses.



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 4

Hi skanpaul,


Sorry for the English. This is a common error that typically indicates an issue with the installation of NI-VISA on your system. Below is a link to a KB that describes a few possible solutions. Note that the KB error message is a LabVIEW error dialog, but the error and issue is the same for CVI.


"Error -1073807202 : A code library required by VISA could not be located" When Using NI-VISA

National Instruments
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Message 2 of 4

I just can add that in case you want there is a French page of the forum.

Proud to use LW/CVI from 3.1 on.

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Message 3 of 4

Thanks for you reply and there is no worry for the discussion in English.


I succeed to solve the problem in an another way.

I forgot to say that I used an GPIB-USB interface from Agilent, the 82357B, NOT one from NI.


Solution: (as beginner)

I opened MAX and went on: Tools menu --> NI-VISA --> VISA Options

and I did the following (see attached picture)




After that I runned my program with the desired/wished function and I succeed to control my instrument.



Sorry but I can't explain exactly what fixed the problem inbetween or in background.


Thanks anyway


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Message 4 of 4