06-24-2010 09:54 AM
Running the NVSPublisher example in CVI 2009 I noticed that the NetworkVariablePopup only shows the running (=Online) items.
With the NI Distributed System Manager 2009 I can see also not running (=Offline) processes.
Is this difference an expected behaviour?
The function help doesn't explain this...
06-24-2010 08:52 PM
Yes, this is expected. The Distributed System Manager is meant for creating, configuring, and monitoring network variables and processes. The NetworkVariablePopup functionality is just meant for browsing to variables that are available for subscription and obtaining their URL. If you want to list stopped processes and their variables, you can use the CNVGetProcesses and CNVGetVariables functions but note that these functions only get the processes and variables on the local machine. Also, see samples/networkvariable/configurator.