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OGLControlPanel inside a tab window?



I'm trying to get a working OGL panel inside a tab, but I keep getting errors. According to it's just how it works, but there are ways around it.I've downloaded example , but its not exactly what I need - it creates a child panel window inside main window.


So, my question is - is there a way to put a OGL panel inside a tab window?


Regards, Benji.

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Message 1 of 3

Somebody? Anybody?

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Message 2 of 3

Dear BenjiF!


Sorry for the late reply, I tried to insert the OGL control on a tabpanel in CVI built in OGL example: Ogldemo.

I got the following error: 

NON-FATAL RUN-TIME ERROR: "ogldemo.c", line 259, col 5, thread id 0x00002478: Function OGLConvertCtrl: (return value == -1003 [0xfffffc15]). Only a canvas or picture can be converted into an OGL control


If you have a look on the help of OGLConvertCtrl >> Panelhandleparameter, you will see the following:

The panel has to be a parent panel and should not be the child of any other panel. The panel cannot be scrollable or resizable.


Maybe this restriction  is the reason, why is it not working.


3D Graph custom control could be an alternative, if it is suitable for your application. An example for this:


In the linked topic I found a useable workaround:

"The fact that the OGL control is only available on parent panels is not necessarily a problem with CVI. Instead, it is simply a limitation of the OGL control. Likewise, a limitation of the easy tab control is that it takes in child panels. I would suggest copying the final image to the tab panel (as mentioned by PaoloB), or possible use a separate panel to display your 3D images."



Some material related to OpenGL.


Please go through this KB:

You can find built in examples in the folder: 

C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\CVI"version"\samples\userint\custctrl\cviogl



Best Regards,

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Message 3 of 3