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Opening an unknown binary file

Hello fellow programmers,

i want to automatically export some data from binary saved measurment data.

The company used most probably LabWindows for programming all their software (There are .uir files which i can open with LabWindows). The company(HAAG Messgeräte) no longer exists and nobody is reachable. Their measurement devices are used to collect data from grids. The hardware is still ok and will run quite a few years. The problem is: i can read some of the data of, for example the header of the data and it looks like its not encrypted and not obstructed. From my point of view the "style" of saving the data is very similar as saving a .uir.

Is there a way to read files saved with an unknown struct?

A binary file is saved as .hgd (as .7zip in appendix)


P.S. I have no experience with Labwindows but quite a bit with labview and i wouild like to read the data with labview, but i will take every solution.

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Update: I tried to save serveral data as binary and labview saved it "as is"... the Hex-editor was able to interpret single as well as double directly. It seem the data was saved as 64bit, but is somehow "not usual" formated.

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Message 2 of 3

There are several tools that facilitate the reverse engineering of unknown binary formats, the main one being a hex editor as you already saw. I wrote two such tools decades ago and they are still available on my website (BinToAscii...). There are lots of caveats: presence of a header, data in 2D arrays or not, byte swapping, etc... There are probably more intelligent tools nowadays. Once you know the format, you can write a converter in C with a bunch of fread(), fwrite()...

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