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PCI-6023E and labwindows update 9.0.1

Our factory works with NI LabWindows 9.0.0 (348) (corresponding to 1st quarter del 2009). This version uses NI-DAQmx 8.8.0. (In windows XP SP3) 

We also work with an  adquisition board from National instruments model PCI-6023E. We use this board with a labWindows ANSI C software thread, that measure impedance in our production proccess. 


We need to upgrade to LabWindows 9.0.1 (375) (3rd Quarter 2009) with NI-DAQmx 8.9.5. 


We installed the upgrade and we compiled the same ANSI C source code using the new labwindows version, however when we executed the application, the software thread that measures impedance using PCI-6023E does not work.


Do you know if there is any known issue related to compatibility beetwen DAQ board PCI-6023E y the new LabWinbdows versión  9.0.1 ( del Q3-2009)?.  Thanks for your help


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Hi Barabohita!


My recommendation would be to upgrade your DAQmx version to the latest available. There is no reason for the board not to work, on the read me file for the driver it comes as a supported device. The driver is the one in charge of making sure the board is detected and works as expected. The latest version of DAQmx is free and you can get it on the next link:


Please try upgrading and check if that works.


Have a great day!!

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