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PlotScaledIntensity and NAN values

Most algorithms used for contour plots etc. need a constant spacing of data points, so 'omitting' one value might be difficult to implement for a given code. But an alternative might be to plot NAN values in transparent 😉

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Message 11 of 14

Hey Wolfgang,


After looking into this issue a bit more we realize that the fix is non-trivial. We do want to fix this issue, but because of it's scope we need to prioritize this issue against other features. Would you mind creating an Idea Exchange topic on this to see if other users are interested in this feature as well?

National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 12 of 14

Hey Darren,


it was vix who found this bug, so I suggest that he creates a new Idea topic and collects the associated kudos Smiley Happy 


But as a general rule I prefer bug fixes over new features even if new features always sound so much more attractive Smiley Wink

Message 13 of 14

I've just written this idea exchange.

... and I completely agree with Wolfgang: I always prefer bug fixes over new features, and I think they should have higher priority Smiley Wink

In claris non fit interpretatio

Using LV from 7
Using LW/CVI from 6.0
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Message 14 of 14