03-10-2016 08:06 AM
I have a test program at revision -P01 that complies without any programs. I need to roll the revision to -P02. The directory -P01 is locked so you can't make changes to files in the directory. So what I have been doing for years is copying the -P01 directory into a -P02 directory, make my changes and recompile the -P02 executable.
This morning I did the same process on two different programs. When I went to recompile the programs I get fatal errors in all the files. Below is just one sample of the error.
"Burnin_Testpanel.h"(9,10) fatal error: cannot open file '\\us.lmco.com\mst-bot\DocCtrl\4X Manufacturing\48 TE & Tooling Software Files\48-000132\48-000132-001-P02\userint.h': No such file or directory.
Inside Burnin_Testpanel.h, the file userint.h is define as #include <userint.h>. userint.h is located at C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\CVI2015\include.
As an experiment I went back to an old laptop that has LabWindows\CVI 2013 and was able to compile the -P02. Why can LabWindows\CVI 2015 find the standard include files.
03-10-2016 01:49 PM
03-10-2016 01:50 PM
Yes, copying it to my local directory gives the same error.
03-10-2016 01:52 PM
03-10-2016 02:20 PM
The instruments files are in a network directory. When CVI starts to compile the file, it looks for the standard include files in the network directory where the instrument file is located, not in the CVI directory. I moved the project file to a local directory and CVI still looks for it on the network.
If I add the complete path in the instrument file: #include "C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\CVI2015\toolslib\toolbox\toolbox.h" instead of just "toolbox.h" CVI is happy. But this forces us to never update CVI every again since we have 100s of instrument files.
03-10-2016 02:43 PM
03-10-2016 03:19 PM
It is not part of the project tree. Files that need any function from the standard libraries have the #include "toolbox.h" or the #include <ansi_c.h> in them.
03-10-2016 04:12 PM
03-10-2016 04:15 PM
The link is broken, I get a Page Not Found error. Can you send a PDF.
03-10-2016 05:33 PM
Let me know how this one works: Include Path Search Precedence. If that doesn't work, the local CHM help in LabWindows/CVI also has this topic at Programmer Reference»LabWindows/CVI Compiler Overview»LabWindows/CVI Compiler Specifics»Include Paths»Include Path Search Precedence in 2015 or Programmer Reference»LabWindows/CVI Compiler Overview»Include Paths»Include Path Search Precedence in earlier versions.