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UI Localizer, missing strings when the tool is reload. Bug?



In CVI 13.0.2, when i use the tool UI Localizer to convert an *.uir French to English, this work succesfully.

I see a possible bug when i try to reload the tool to make changes on my traduction, since when i have missing strings, but not all.

So I have to translate again each time that i use the tool...


Below my process :

- File >> Open User Interface (*.uir)

- File >> Save Localization (*.lwl) -> MyFrenchFile.lwl

- File >> Translate From Dictionary (*.lwd) -> MyEnglishFile.lwd

- [Translation of my UIR]

- Dictionary >> Export All to Dictionary -> MyEnglishFile.lwd [Pop up: Replace]

- File >> Save Localization (*.lwl) -> MyEnglishFile.lwl


Thanks for help.



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I have used sometimes the UI localizer tool without problems: where in the process are you getting the error?


I have some additional comments on you post:

  • Initially saving of the original localization should be not needed: your UIR remains in French localization even after performing and saving translations. When you load it you can localize it using the language files
  • When you save a dictionary after translation I would use merge instead of replace: this way additional texts not included in the actual UIR file you are using are not affected by the new saving

Proud to use LW/CVI from 3.1 on.

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Thank you for your answer but it doesn't resolve the problem.

My problem occur when i reload the UI Localizer tool just after a translation, without modification of my *.uir between.

I will explain this with an example :

- In first i translate my *.uir (UI Localizer - UIR Translated.png.

- After i execute my programm and i use the fonction LoadLocalizedPanel. The translation of my UIR work well (UIR executed.png), so the .lwl isn't corrupt.

- And after I open again the tool UI Localizer and when i load my file  MyEnglishFile.lwd I have few strings missing (UI Localizer - UIR Reloaded.png).


The problem must be linked with the  *.lwd file. Below an extract of this file :


74_D = "__Edition"
75_D = "__Enregistrer"
75_L = "Sav__e"
76_D = "__Fichier"
76_L = "__File"
77_D = "__Imprimer"
77_L = "__Print"
78_D = "__Instructions"
79_D = "__Mot de passe"
79_L = "Pass__word"
7_D = "Changer de vue"
7_L = "Change view"
80_D = "__Nouveau"
80_L = "__New"
81_D = "__Ouvrir"
81_L = "__Open"
82_D = "__Renommer section (F3)"
82_L = "__Rename section (F3)"
83_D = "__Supprimer section (F2)"
83_L = "__Delete section (F2)"


Thanks for help.


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Message 3 of 5

Just to be sure, what happens if you use "Load localization" using the .lwl file instead of "Translate from dictionary" and the .lwd file?

Proud to use LW/CVI from 3.1 on.

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Message 4 of 5



I work with Charles.

To complete what Charles try to explain, see the joined example.


The executable works, with LWL file.

The "User Interface Localized" tool seems to have some problem, with the LWD file.



We can use the LabWindows/CVI "User Interface Localized" tool

to create correctly the "English" LWL file.

It is the one uses by "LoadLocalizedPanel" (and "LocalizePanel") function in your code source.


But, the LWD (dictionary) file seems to be not been fully saved/export.

Some translations still missing inside the file (always the same).


So, if we leave the "User Interface Localized" tool,

come back on it straight away,

and reload the same UIR file, more the previous saving LWD file.

Some translations are not here (see on attached pictures).


You can save again the dictionary, as many time you want,

after put again and again... the same disappeared translation.

Every time you reload it, after leave the "User Interface Localized" tool,

some tanslation still always missing in the tool.


See with "Fonction_EN.LWD" and the "OK (Enter)" button message of the "About" panel.

It is correcly filled in the final LWL file, so the executable is correctly loaded.

But it stills not saving in the LWD dictonary file.


We got the problem, since almost LabWindows/CVI 2012 (and perhap's previously).

And especially with some UIR with many panels inside

and/or using the same translations (__OK, __Cancel, etc...).


Thanks a lot for your help.


Certified LabWindows/CVI DEVELOPER (2004)
LabVIEW since 5.01 | LabWindows/CVI since 4.01
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