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Uninstalling CVI 9.0 Causes Issues with Non-NI Software...

I had CVI 8.5.1 and CVI 9.0 installed on my primary PC.


I had to uninstall CVI 9.0 from a computer due to various compiler and runtime issues, and was hoping to go back to just CVI 8.5.1 (which works fine with our application). Problem is, the act of uninstalling CVI 9.0 seems to affect non-NI software. I have noted the following:


Symantec Antivirus 10 rtvscan.exe crashes multiple times on login after uninstalling CVI 9.0. [Reinstalling CVI 9.0 resolved the crash. The crash came back after uninstalling CVI 9.0 again.]

Visual Studio 2005's debugger can't load the DLL coloader80.dll after uninstalling CVI 9.0. I do not know if reinstalling CVI 9.0 fixed this problem.


In addition, to remove the CVI 9.0 Run-Time Engine from the PC, I had to uninstall CVI 8.5.1 as well. The following problems now show up on this computer:


Calls by our CVI 8.5.1 application to Excel_NewApp (ACTIVEX_SERVER_LOCAL, CONFIG_MULTITHREAD_SUPPORT, LOCALE_NEUTRAL, 0, excelAppHdl) fail. [Application installed CVI 8.5.1 Run-Time Engine. Excel 2000 seems to work fine otherwise. Reinstalling CVI 8.5.1 does not fix issue. Does not happen on other computers, and did not happen before uninstalling both versions of CVI.]


Note that I had CVI 9.0 installed on a second PC (which had Symantec Antivirus 10 and Excel 2000 but not Visual Studio) and was able to uninstall without incident, BUT I did not have two versions of CVI installed simultaneously on this second PC.

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Message 1 of 16

Hi Justin,


Did you get this version of CVI 9.0 off of the DevSuite DVDs?  Also, can you tell me the build of CVI 9.0 you have installed?  You can find the build number in the About LabWindows/CVI window in the Help menu.  It should say Version 9.0.0 (x), where x is the build number.

Eric B.
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 16

I installed CVI 9 from the NI Developer Suite Fourth Quarter 2008 DVDs. (CVI 9 was on disc 2, and that disc has a part number of 501400M-07. The other three DVDs have part numbers -01, -09, and -10.)


I don't remember which build was on my system, but I looked on another computer that still has CVI 9 installed, and the build is 330. I think we installed CVI 9 from the same set of discs.

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Message 3 of 16
Ok thanks.  I wanted to see if I could replicate the issue, so I wanted to make sure I had the exact version that you had.
Eric B.
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 16
I failed to mention above that I also had Visual Studio 2008 and DIAdem 10.2 installed (among other applications), if that has any bearing on the issue. I don't know if either of those applications were affected by uninstalling CVI 9.0, as I usually used Visual Studio 2005 and don't usually use DIAdem.
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Message 5 of 16

I have this EXACT issue...


I have CVI/Labwindows 9.0 from the 2008 4th Qtr Dev Suite and cannot uninstall this program w/o other programs becoming unusable.  

Here are the programs that break if I unstall (not comprehensive):


  • Symantic Endpoint (rtvscan.exe crashes)
  • Shoretel Call Manager
  • Norton Ghost 14 (cannot find local server)
  • Internet explorer (opens and then quickly crashes with no error)



Also, I have uninsalled all NI software with the exception of CVI 9.0 and attempted to reinstall from the ground up.  Once complete, LabVIEW will not open (unhandled win32 exception) and TestStand will not open with an "unexpected licensing error"


What kind of crappy software are you guys developing over there?  This type of problem is unacceptable, especially at this level.

Message Edited by Noxious on 02-25-2009 02:55 PM
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Message 6 of 16



I'm sorry that the uninstallation has given both of you such trouble, and we are going to do what we can to find out what's going on. By far the easiest way for us to be able to address this issue is to reproduce it on one of our machines here.  In order to do this though, it's going to be important that we have an understanding of your order of installation, how you installed / uninstalled your programs etc.  If you could please answer the following questions, I will begin working on trying to reproduce what you are seeing:


1:  What OS?

2: Exact order of installation - as closely as you can remember (including all affected non-NI software)

3: Exact NI software present before installation of CVI 9.0

4: Method by which software was installed and uninstalled


Thanks for the information.  I'll let you know what we're able to find.



National Instruments 

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Message 7 of 16

1:  Windows XP Pro - SP3

2: OS, IE, Endpoint, Ghost, Full Development Suite starting w/ 2nd Qtr 2008, 3rd Qrt Update, 4th Qtr Update

3: Full Development Suite, there's a ton of stuff in there...

4: Install via Dev Suite installer, uninstall via National Instruments Uninstaller (only method)

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Message 8 of 16

I also think JavaScripts in Internet Explorer and the VBScript Host were also affected, but I didn't initially include them.


1.  Windows XP Professional (32-bit) with Service Pack 3


2. This is a tricky one since I have had some of the affected software installed for years...

  1. New computer with preinstalled software [Windows XP SP2 and Office 2000]
  2. Visual Studio 2005
  3. DIAdem 10.2
  4. CVI 8.5.0
  5. Windows XP Service Pack 3 update
  6. CVI 8.5.1 (CVI 8.5.0 uninstalled first)
  7. CVI 9.0 (CVI 8.5.1 was not uninstalled) and SQL tools for CVI

and somewhere in there, I think last summer, Symantec Antivirus was updated to version 10.


3. DIAdem 10.2, CVI 8.5.1


4. DIAdem 10.2 was installed from a network location, I do not know which disc(s) were used to create the network installer as that was done by someone else.

I used a disc from the NI Developer Suite 2Q'08 to install CVI 8.5.1.

Microsoft development tools were installed from MSDN subscription discs.

All software uninstalls performed using "National Instruments Software" in Add/Remove Programs Control Panel.


Just to summarize, before uninstalling CVI 9.0, I had CVI 8.5.1, CVI 9.0, SQL tools for CVI (don't remember the official name), and DIAdem 10.2 installed. I did not have any of the other Developer Suite products installed, despite having (and using) a Developer Suite license.


Message Edited by Justin D. Morgan on 02-26-2009 01:51 PM
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 16

Thanks guys -


I think there's enough in common between your stories that I should be able to come to a pretty close approximation of your situations.  I'll keep you informed.



National Instruments 

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Message 10 of 16