I am using CVI and VISA drivers to control two power supplies (HP6035A and Sorensen DCS600) via a NI HPIB USB controller . After setting up the power supplies and reading in values from the supplies, the VISA drivers become unresponsive and return an error whenever I try to initialize them:
NON-FATAL RUN-TIME ERROR: "SNDCSDLM.c", line 100, col 28, thread id 0x00000504: Function viOpen: (return value == -1073807345 [0xbfff000f]). Specified type of lock cannot be obtained, or specified operation cannot be performed, because the resource is locked.
I do not explicitly lock or unlock anything, and once the system gets into this state, it will only clear itself with a system reboot. Is there any way to reset the VISA driver or otherwise clear this condition?