03-20-2010 09:40 PM
Why does this function show up as being declared for export but it's not in my type library for my DLL?
There is no function named _crt_debugger_hook in my DLL so of course I didn't make a function window for it in an fp file so it would be included in the type library for the dll.
I do have a DllMain that's not exported, and I have a DLLEntryPoint function for Borland compatability that's not exported, and I have a DLLGetVersion function that's exported but not in the type library (I guess I could put it in the type library but it's supposed to be dynamically linked by the client code).
What is this thing? I've never seen it before and I've made lots of DLL's with CVI.
I am using CVI 9.1 (CVI 2009)
03-23-2010 04:25 PM
Hi Menchar,
I was able to reproduce this behavior. It seems that when you include toolbox.h and have Exports setting set to export "Symbols marked for export" you'll get the _crt_debugger_hook exported. I'll file a Corrective Action Report and post again with the number in case you're interested in the status of the fix in the future.
03-23-2010 05:14 PM
Yup, that's what I am doing, symbols marked for export and I'm using functions in the toolbox.fp so I've included toolbox.h. Guess I could have told you this but didn't know to give you this info.
Is this benign? The error complains that the function's being exported but that I haven't included a front panel for it to make the type library.
It would seem exporting an unused function that's not in the type library shouldn't cause any problems.
03-24-2010 01:24 AM
Hi Michael,
about a month ago Luis promised to have this bug list publicly available soon... May be you could post again not only with the report number but also with a link to this list - would be great!
03-24-2010 08:18 AM
Hey Wolfgang,
I'm actually working on that list as we speak, but it could be another little while. It's a lot of information for me to wade through and generate public content for, but I'm moving as quickly as I can on it. I'll post to the forums when I push it live.
National Instruments
03-24-2010 08:32 AM
03-25-2010 09:26 AM
Hey all,
The CAR ID for this particular issue is 215992. When new versions are released, a bug fix list is included and you can check there for this ID.