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data transferring between two standalones

i have two seperate standalone files one for acquisation and other for control , i want to use a parameter value from acquisation application for controlling application tell me in which part of help should i look into or anyone has any idea how to this using Lab Windows/CVI
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Message 1 of 10
DataSocket is a good tool for sharing data between processes. See the DataSocket examples under cvi\samples\datasocket.

Best Regards,

Chris Matthews
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 10
See a response to a similar question:

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Message 3 of 10
I did get some idea but i am not clear yet.
I don't have those data socket examples on my computer,when i tried to run the programme it is giving error for two .fp files i don't have those files on my computer.So can you help me in this from where can i get those files.
I am stating my problem again, so you can explain in detail as i have no experience in data socket.
I am working on automation of magnetic balance, i have created a exe file for data acquisation part, now i am working on control part of the process. but i don't want to combine data acquisation and control so i am creating seperate exe file for control. But my problem is i have to enter some numerical variable from acquisation part into control programming for controlling my expt setup. so p
lease tell me how can i do this using data socket.
Thank you for your time
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Message 4 of 10
i have LabWindows/CVI 5.0.1 which does have data socket sample but it is giving error as it is able to find some .fp files.
And also can you explain in detail how exactly i can use this for my problem as i don't have any experience in data socket application
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Message 5 of 10
What version of CVI are you using? DataSocket is available in CVI 5.5 and above. If you have an older version you will need to learn the TCP library and communicate between processes with TCP messages.

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Message 6 of 10
I have 5.0.1 i will start learning TCP library.......any suggestion
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Message 7 of 10
TCP is pretty basic. One application is the server, the other is the client. See the example programs in cvi\samples\tcp

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Message 8 of 10
Hey Chris........i got it thank you very much
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 10
Hey Chris
I did get some idea but those two programmes are not enough for me.
i am not able to figure it out how i can apply it to my problem of transferring some numerical value from one application to other application on same computer.
can you explain little bit
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Message 10 of 10