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(error == -1074396157) Unlicensed copy of NI Vision


I have been running a system with CVI Labwindows 7.0 and NI IMAQ 3.1.3. I recently upgraded my IMAQ drivers to NI IMAQ 3.5.1 using the NI Vision Acquisition Software package. I also upgraded and have started using the NI-IMAQ for IEEE 1394 Cameras 2.0.2.

Now I am creating an application for image acquisition and manipulation using an IEEE firewire camera. When I compile my application I get the Non Fatal Run Time Error: (error == -1074396157) Unlicensed copy of NI Vision. I am able to access and debug the Vision functions but it fails at the imaqScale() function in the run time mode.

What are my options? I though that the NI Vision Acquisition Software would allow me to use the Vision library as well.
I tried downloading the Vision development module evaluation copy but it seems to be a corrupted *.zip file, so can not access that even.
I am in a desparate situation here...would appreciate some help.


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 8
Hi Dwivedi,

Thank you for contacting National Instruments.  This seems like a duplicate discussion thread.  The answered thread is located HERE.  If this is not a duplicate thread I apologize and ask that you please refine your question.  Thank you.

Mark T
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 8

I want to convert a script from Vision Assistant to the Labview. I have the IMAQ vision installed. When I use the convert to Labview option in tool menu from Vision Assistant and run it in labview, appear the follow error message. Could somebody help me? Could somebody explain me what is happening?

Error -1074396157 occurred at IMAQ Cast Image
  Unlicensed copy of NI Vision.
Possible reason(s):
IMAQ Vision:  (Hex 0xBFF60403) Unlicensed copy of IMAQ Vision.

David Fiorillo
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 8
Hey Dfiorillo,
  The error you are getting seems to be exactly what it says.  Make sure in NI License Manager that Vision, Vision Assistant, and Vision Acquisition are all activated and showing up green.  If they aren't activated, then it will block access to the vision files which is what IMAQ Cast is.  Try activating or ensure that it is  activated.
I hope this helps you out!
Take Care,
Evan D.
Installer R&D
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 8
Dear Evan,

I would agree with you, if all the softwares have not already been activated. What should I supposed to do?

David Fiorillo
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8
Hey Dfiorillo,
I'm perplexed as to how you could get this error on the same computer with a fully activated Vision and Vision Assistant.  If Vision Assistant wasn't properly activated, then it wouldn't allow you to generate LabVIEW code, it would be greyed out.  This proves it is activated properly.  The other thing I'm curious about is whether or not you can use any Vision VI's in LabVIEW 7.1.  Ddoes your VI return this error when it has any Vision VI's in it or just when you are running Vision Assistant generated code?  The one thing that comes to mind if none of the Vision VI's will run and all throw this error, then it's possible that something happened during the activation that is causing license manager to think Vision isn't activated even though it is.

Some things to try would be to re-activate, or reinstall Vision and re-activate.  Let me know if any of that helps you out. I'll be happy to help you out further if this doesn't resolve your problem.
Evan D.
Installer R&D
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 8
Dear Evan,

You was right. I re-installed all the softwares and now is working. I still don't know what's happened.

thanks for your advice.

David Fiorillo
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8

It's a very old thread, but the "bug" is still alive in NI Vision 2016.

Namely, you can well have installed the NI Vision Development Toolkit on a machine and activated it with a valid license, this will not necessarily activate the NI VIsion Runtime license...

Why that is so, I have no clue, but since the solution of the problem is far from natural (check the licence manager and forcefully activate the NI Vision Runtime), I tought I'd chip in and confirm that at least the fix is still valid (no need to reinstall anything, just activate the Runtime with a valid license number).

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Message 8 of 8