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integrating a usb camera to labwindows CVI


I'm starting work in vision industry project 

I want to know how can i integrate a usb camera into labwindows CVI

Thank you

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Message 1 of 2

Hi Em@na,


What specifically are you looking for? There isn't really an individual, "Getting Started" resource that I can point you towards, but more or less a collection of sources. Will you be doing any soft of image processing in your application, or simply image acquisition? If it's simply acquisition, you will need to install NI Vision Acquisition Software (VAS), which is the driver set for image acquisition functions. On top of that, depending on the type of camera you are working with, you may require a license for the software (IMAQdx, the driver from VAS for GigE, FireWire, USB 2.0, and USB 3.0 requires a license). If you will be doing both acquisition and image processing, in addition to VAS, you will need to have the Vision Development Module (VDM) which also requires a license. You can find more information about the difference in our Vision software here:


What is the Difference Between NI Vision Acquisition Software, NI Vision Builder, and the NI Vision Development Module?


Licensing National Instruments Vision Software


What Is the Difference Between NI-IMAQ, NI-IMAQdx, and NI-IMAQ I/O?


Since you are working with a USB camera and CVI, these may be a good resource before getting started in CVI:


Can't Find IMAQdx Library in CVI:




Peter George

Applications Engineer

National Instruments

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