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moteur pas à pas

Bonjour ,


je veux commander avec Labwindow\CVI un moteur de façon lui donner le point de depart , point d'arret et le pas mais je n'arrive pas ,( j'ai arriver a le faire  tourner en mode continue dans le sens horaire et anti horaire c'est tout) , avez vous des propositions SVP

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Message 1 of 3


sorry for answering in English; I don't speak French.

I tried translating online your message but it seems to me that there are too few details to try helping you.


In order to have somebody offer some help (which will probably not me as I very rarely used stepper motors) you should at least give us additional informations about the hardware and software you are using. Specifically, tell us whether you are using NI-Motion sw and hw and which version of it, or if you are using third-party instruments (which one? A CVI Instrument, an ActiveX component, a DLL or what?).  Do not forget to declare the version of CVI you are developing your application on.


Finally, in this international board it is better to write in English so that the majority of users can read and respond. If you prefer to write in French you can post your questions in the french board.

Proud to use LW/CVI from 3.1 on.

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Message 2 of 3



I have a stepper motor with the Vector Network Analyzer Rohde &schwarez . I got it up and running with the LabWindows/CVI. I need to sync the motion of the stepper motor with my data acquisition. Basically, I have to acquire the data in a way that in the start the motor will come back to home position wherever it was and then I want to move it to the specific position to do the measurements .I've interfaced the VNA with the PC using LabWindows/CVI(version 2013) and I've controlled the clockwise and anti-clockwise movements of the stepper motor using LabWindows/CVI but I'm unable to sync the system in a way that whenever I run the code, the motor will run back to the home position and then move to a specific measurement start position and move till the end position and in between do the increment and stop and acquire the data

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Message 3 of 3