Does anyone have any experience implementing a remote shutdown in CVI using WIn32 SDK calls?
InitiateSystemShutdown should do it, but getting the remote system to accept the shutdown request might be a trick. The SDK isn't very clear - I think what the SDK is saying is that the remote system must have the remoteshutdown capability both present for the remote user/group, AND it must be enabled as well.
I have local system shutdown working all OK by programatically enabling the shutdown priveledge SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME.
Do I enable it on the remote system the same way?
How do I set up a remote system to allow a remote shutdown? Does it need to be tailored for every possible remote user that wants to initiate a remote shutdown shutdown? I realize I need admin priveledege to enable it, but what do I do exactly to enable it?
Thanks for any help on this.
Message Edited by menchar on
01-28-2008 10:10 AM