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Modbus Object Bug?

The other objects are working fine.  CommReset is a constant 1, sent to the plc as a heartbeat type of response.  The other sites have the exact same setings and use the CommReset.   This site can use the commreset on MB4 just fine, but whenever a value is put on MB3 (0 or 1) it goes into loop.   Retries do not effect it.

This exact setup is used on another system, different company of course, but same process and connections.  No issues.  Only MB3 is effected.  It was deleted and rebuilt from a new object and the problem still persists.  modbus.ini is not referencing seperate objects, only all of them.

Here is the modbus process,

Mike Crabtree - Lead Developer
Destek of Nevada, Inc. / Digital Telemetry Systems, Inc.
(866) 964-6948 / (760) 247-9512
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Give me an Email address to access you.
I will give you something to test.
Ryan Shi
National Instruments
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Message 12 of 13
mikecrabtree AT destekinc DOT com
Mike Crabtree - Lead Developer
Destek of Nevada, Inc. / Digital Telemetry Systems, Inc.
(866) 964-6948 / (760) 247-9512
0 Kudos
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