03-22-2008 11:20 AM
03-24-2008 01:26 AM
03-24-2008 02:53 PM
03-25-2008 03:44 AM
what's the csv you said?
03-25-2008 02:33 PM
Ryan, what I have done and I hope this works ok I am not finished, but I created a slc500 ethernet driver in the process and then imported my slc database from excel then went to connection explorer and changed all the connections from my modbus driver to the slc driver. Then I was able to delete all the objects in the modbus driver and then the driver. Now everything shows its connection to the slc driver.
By the way when I created my slc database I used the aliases from the modbus driver as symbols in logixs so the import was much easier.
Thanks for your help. This is probably the long way around and I hope it works.