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12 or 8 bit depth problem

I have no available camera attributes to set.

The bit depth is set directly in the .icd, and is displayed as a acquisition parameter.

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 18

So you could probably change this parameter in the .icd file (open it with notepad for example).

David S.| Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer
National Instruments France

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 18

As you see, the line Unsigned16bitImage is set as yes. I do not understand the fact that Max sees a valid and beautiful image, while, with the same apparent settings, Labview does not see the same image.

CameraFile (6.64) {
   Manufacturer (Baumer)
   Model (HXC40_default)
   CreationDate (20120302100842)
   InterfaceInfo (1433) {
      AcquisitionWindow (0, 0, 2048, 2048)
      BinaryThreshold (0, 200)
      BitDepth (16)
      BitsPerComponent (16)
      NumComponents (1)
      NumPhantomComponents (0)
      Unsigned16BitImage (Yes)
      FrameTimeout (10000)
      LUT (Normal)
      LUTTransform (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15)
      MaxImageSize (2048, 2048)
      ScanType (Area)
      Scaling (1)
      DetectPCLK (Yes)
      EnablePoCL (No)
      FastRearm (No)
      SynchronizeEnables (No)
      ConfigDelay (0)
      Interlaced (No)
      Serial {
         Baud (9600)
         SerialDisabled (No)
         Databits (8)
         Parity (N)
         DTR (High)
         RTS (High)
         Stopbits (1)
         TermChars ()
      SignalLevels {
         PGOutput (RS422)
      ControlLinesSource {
         UseDefaultSource (Yes)
         CCSourceLine0 (None, 0)
         CCSourceLine1 (None, 1)
         CCSourceLine2 (None, 2)
         CCSourceLine3 (None, 3)
      Bayer {
         Pattern (None)
         RedGain (1.000000)
         GreenGain (1.000000)
         BlueGain (1.000000)
      TestImageType (None)
      TestImageFrameBlanking (100)
      TestImageLineBlanking (100)
      NumCameraTaps (2)
      NumCameraXZones (1)
      NumCameraTapsPerXZone (2)
      NumCameraYZones (1)
      NumCameraTapsPerYZone (1)
      BitMapping (Standard)
      TimeSlots (1)
      InterleaveYZones (No)
      XZonePixelExtractor (Left)
      YZonePixelExtractor (Top)
      NeedYChip (No)
      NeedZChip (No)
      LVALHighTrue (Yes)
      FVALHighTrue (Yes)
      DVALHighTrue (Yes)
      DVALMode (1)
      AcquisitionBitstream ()
      AcquisitionBitstreamCompressed (Yes)
      Tap (0) {
         Position (Normal)
         Start (Left, Top)


0 Kudos
Message 13 of 18

Could you please test this VI? It returns the Bitdepth of an image with property node.

David S.| Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer
National Instruments France

0 Kudos
Message 14 of 18

For this vi, Bit Depth returns 0 and Image Type 3 returns 8bits, regardless of any Max setting i tried.


0 Kudos
Message 15 of 18

Could you post your .icd file?

David S.| Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer
National Instruments France

0 Kudos
Message 16 of 18


the icd file is in the previous post, here is the full version.


0 Kudos
Message 17 of 18

Hello, IsaacT


I have Baumer SXC20. I think BitDepth number should be same with camera register bit number.

My camera register setting and icd file are following;


 camera bit:  8 -> icd file: BitDepth (8)
 camera bit: 10 -> icd file: BitDepth (10)
 camera bit: 12 -> icd file: BitDepth (12)


Camera register settings are maybe reset to factory default at Power ON/OFF unless changing option.

If you set Unsigned16BitImage option (No), IMAQ Image Type are following;


 icd file: BitDepth (8)  -> U8 image
 icd file: BitDepth (10) -> I16 image
 icd file: BitDepth (12) -> I16 image


I16 image is changed to U16 one when you choose option (Yes).


I don't know what number should be chose for BitsPerComponent. I always set it equal to BitDepth option.


Maybe you should not use constant of Image type for "Image Create".

You could put "IMAQ Property Node: Image Type" after "IMAQ Init" and next "IMAQ Create" connected "Image Tyepe".


0 Kudos
Message 18 of 18