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Acquiring line scan from e2v octoplus camera using NI 1429 PCI-e camera link card.

Hi There,


I am new to this board. I have a e2v octoplus connected to a camera link NI PCI-e 1429 card. My problem is it is taking too much time, of the order of 70 mS to capture an image of size 2048x1, with a resolution of 2 bytes per pixel. Thus far i have used only the example codes made available by National Instruments. Would be most grateful for any advice. I will also post the code used if need me.


Best Regards,


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Message 1 of 2

If I understand correctly, you are trying to read one line at a time from the card.  I have found this to be a bottleneck.  If you read multiple lines at once, it is much faster.  Perhaps ten lines at a time.


Also make sure you are setting up continuous acquisition, and not initializing the acquisition every time.


If this doesn't help you, posting the code would be useful.



Bruce Ammons
Ammons Engineering
Message 2 of 2