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Basler ac2440-35uc genicam exposure value problem

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I posted this in the LabView forum but maybe it is better here:


We are using LabVIEW 2011 to connect to a Basler acA2440-35uc camera.


Using vision acquisition express it just lists the camera as Basler GenICam, and only 3 properties to change: brightness, exposure and gain. 


Brightness and gain are integers, but exposure is a double (in seconds). In Basler pylon interface software however, it is an integer (microseconds). The problem is that the exposure cannot be finely controlled. For example, exposure of 0.004 - 0.011 are the same, but then there is a jump at 0.012. Having a look in MAX, the slider for exposure "jumps" between specific values, 0.00195312500, 0.00390625000, 0.0156250000, .. etc. 


I'm guessing the problem is some internal thing converting the double, any ideas?


Also, is there a way to get ALL the settings from the camera? e.g. white balance etc?

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Message 1 of 7
Accepted by geometrikal

The problem is that you are using the Basler Genicam driver instead of the NI Vision driver. 

This means, the Basler driver translates the camera into a DirectShow camera, and this is what IMAQdx / MAX picks up instead of going "natively"

You have two options: Either uninstall the Basler software completely (and I mean including associated drivers) from the PC or associate the camera in the Device Manager with the NI IMAQdx driver.

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Message 2 of 7

Thanks for your reply.


Right-click on the camera in MAX showed no alternative driver, and uninstalling the basler drivers didn't work, camera just had no driver.


I installed Vision Acquisition Software 17.5 and now it is there, but I'm missing the IMAQ vi's in LabVIEW 2011 (It keeps searching for their location). Tried to uninstall the latest VAS but it is still searching for the vi's (IMAQdx missing from vi.lib/vison/drivers) even after reinstalling VAS2011.


So I'm guessing an upgrade of LabVIEW is required, or should it have worked with just VAS2017?

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Message 3 of 7

Thank you very much, so 14.5 is the latest compatible.


Another question (I have been using LabVIEW for only 2 weeks) ... are upgrades to VAS included? We have professional licence for 2011.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7

Sorry, I don't have much deep knowledge about the licensing models.. but you can definitely download a new version of VAS and try to activate it.

(Evaluation version always works for 7 days and can be extended to 30 days). This way you can at least start coding.


But you should talk to NI support about this.

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Message 6 of 7

Thanks again. I will try 2014 now Smiley LOL

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Message 7 of 7