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Baumer GigE Test Packet (0xBFF69031) & Camera not Present Error

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I've tried various fixes from other posts and am still having problems setting up my Baumer TXG06 with LV running NI-IMAQdx 4.0.


The camera shows up ok in the Baumer SDK, but when attempting to grab an image in NI MAX I get "The System did not receive a test packet......." If I leave NI MAX open and try the same camera, I sometimes get "Camera Not Present...." error instead, even though it is still running ok on the network.


I've added an exception to windows firewall, enabled Jumbo packets, tried reducing the pcaket size and tried it without the Baumer software installed. Still no joy.


Any help would be appreciated.

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 8

Hi Noodles,


Thank you for your post and welcome to the NI forums.


The error code you are getting usually points to a firewall issue, so I am surprised that you are still getting it with the exception added. Do you have any other firewalls running on your PC? I would also like to know if you have the latest firmware installed on your camera? Sometimes issues arise from the newer vision drivers with older camera firmware.


Best regards,

Eden S
Applications Engineer
National Instruments UK & Ireland
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 8



Thanks for the reply. I've checked the Baumer website and there doesn't appear to be any firmware available to download.


Some additional info:-


Error still occurs after completely disabling the firewall on my PC.


I've run CameraValidator.exe /attributes as per the NI debug whitepaper and this seems to execute fine and generate a report on the camera's compatability.


It's strange because NI MAX shows when the camera is in use by another user, reports information like IP & serial fine, so it appears that it can 'see' it. It just can't seem to initiase it to grab any frames.



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Message 3 of 8
Accepted by topic author noodles

Hi Noodles,


This is rather strange, you seem to have tried all the troubleshooting steps we first recommend. How much are you reducing the packet size to? Have you tried setting it very low (~1k) to see if even then you still cannot take a snap?


What ethernet card are you using? (Just to be sure it is GigE) and have you tried this camera with another PC to see if the issue stems from your ethernet card?


Thank you,

Eden S
Applications Engineer
National Instruments UK & Ireland
Message 4 of 8

Thanks for the help. I reduced the packet size to 1000 bytes and it seemed to do the trick. I guess my network must be limited somehow, will investigate.


Thanks again.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8

Hi noodles,


I'm glad to hear that you have the issue sorted. Usually this property is limited by your ethernet card. I would suggest that the next step be looking up the spec of your GigE card.


Many thanks,

Eden S
Applications Engineer
National Instruments UK & Ireland
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 8



This propblem seems to have re-appeared. I've just setup a new system, as before getting the same test packet error. Even with the packert sized reduced to 1000 bytes. It's really strange because if I unplug the machine that has trouble initialising the camera and replace it with the old machine, it all works fine. So I don't think its the network. As before the Baumer software runs fine on the problem machine and acquires ok, just NI-Max not seeing it.


I've checked driver versions on both machines and look to be the same. Is there any other diagnostics I can run? Many thanks for any help.

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Message 7 of 8



Me again, just to update, seems the problem on the new machine was a windows firewall issue, I thought it was disabled but apparently it was by deafult blocking everything!  Installing the default corporate firewall seemed to cure the problem.




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Message 8 of 8