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Can i read the temperature datas from Lepton 2.5 camera(UVC) with pure thermal ?

Hello. I use IR camera system(the Lepton 2.5 IR camera(UVC camera) and pure thermal1). I can read the temperature datas from rasberrypy3.


So I try to read the temperature datas form labview vision IMAQdx. But I don`t read it.


I can see image from labview with IR camera system. But it is Y16 data format.


I think that Labview don`t get Y16 data format from IR camera system.


I see  Pixel format only BGRA 8 Packed and Vedio Mode 80x60 I420 / UYVY / Unknown / RGB24 9.00fps on NI-MAX


I see image to use I420, UYVY. But It don`t read the temperature datas.


And When i use Unknown, I see Error 0x80040217.


How can i read the temperature datas with lepton 2.5 camera and pure thermal1 ??





0 Kudos
Message 1 of 5

It looks like another forum issue.


Refer to

Above link is not sure, but it can be helpful for understanding. 


0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5

Thanks for your answer. But I can not solve problem. I am designed for C library.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5

I have the same problem. Have you solved it?

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

What is unfortunate is National Instruments seems to believe that Y8/Y16 is not a valid format. It is however used extensively with thermal cameras with brand names by major companies. This has been going on for year after year with NI not recognizing Y8/Y16 as valid. For the life of me I don't understand their logic. Must be the company is getting to big (like microsoft)  to keep up with the Jone's and their customers are not important any more.

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Message 5 of 5