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Can two app program control PCIe-1427 frame grabber?

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Is it possible that NI MAX displays image and an Uart program controls a camera through PCIe-1427?

I'm designing on a FPGA board with a camera link, and the FPGA side generates test pattern image. and PCIe-1427 board is receiving the image.

I'm contrling the FPGA board via USB2UART with, and MAX displays the image. This is working.

but instead of USB2UART, using UART is possible with terminal program such as putty and teraterm via PCIe-1427?

Actually, I cannot because teraterm cannot see PCIe-1427's uart port. However Ni provides

device driver, I think it would work.

If there is the driver that shows UART interface of PCIe-1427 as normal COM port, where is it?

If not, why does NI not have that driver?.

And is there any other NI frame grabbers that provides camera link interface and COM port that other serial terminal program can access?


Thank you..

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Message 1 of 9

I am using NI-PCIe-1433 with Imperx camera.

I am using Imperx terminal software to configure the camera througth virtual com port that the driver NI IMAQ create. NI-IMAQ includes clserial.dll (Includes in NI-IMAQ driver). This dll transalate the com port commands to TCPIP communication. The code inside the NI-PCIe-1433 FPGA transalate the commands to Camera Link signals.

I think it should work for you with any camera link frame grabber from NI.

I am actually programing also the FPGA on NI-PCIe-1473R and I am also working with Imperx terminal program for this card as well.


Thanks - Amit,

Amit Shachaf
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 9

Hi AmitShachaf,

Thank you for your comments.

But I'm not clearlly understand about clserial.dll.

Is this file generated by Ni-IMAQ? or NI-IMAQ contains that file?

or that if is just only for NI-PCIe-1433?

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 9

NI-IMAQ contain this file.

NI-IMAQ require for Camera Link frame grabber.


Amit Shachaf
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 9

I just tried to find clserial.dll in my desktop computer, but I cannot find that file eventhough IMAQ is installed on my PC.

clserial.dll file seems like only for PCIe-1433. Am I right?

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Message 5 of 9

Seems like the dll name have changed for LV2015. See attach image.

I have just run my code on the NI-PCIe-1473R. Should be same Imperx interface for NI-PCIe-1433

Then I run Imperx software.

I get first the port selection pannel (attach). After I select the camera I get the configuration panel (attach).

I can also check on the NI-PCIe-1433 frame grabber. But it should be the same interface from the camera vendor.

Every camera vendor will have somewhat diffrent interface.

Most cameras now days can generate test pattern.



Amit Shachaf
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 9

Hi AmitShachaf,

I could find clsernat.dll file, so my question is how can I make a virtual COM port in clsernat.dll for


Is there any documents form NI? How can I figure the procedure out?


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Message 7 of 9
Accepted by emotaworld

Imperx software find the port automaticly (I am using Imperx camera).

When the farme grabber is installed and NI-IMAQ is installed the software should find the camera automaticly.

Did you try to run the frame grabber with Standard camera? I understand you are building something special on FPGA.

Amit Shachaf
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 9

Thank you for your response.

I don't have a standard camera that uses cameralink, but I understand now.

I think I can figure out what I need to do.

Thank you for you all responses... I appreciate it.

I have a good day...



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Message 9 of 9