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Drawing and Obtaining angle in Vision (what is easiest way)

Hi Folks -


Vision Assistant has a direct way to draw and measure angle under the measure functions and one can create the LabVIEW code from it.


To draw and obtain angles currently, I use two successive overlaying line draws, obtain the vertex of the intersection using IMAQ Lines Intersection VI, and subsequently utilize IMAQ Get Angles VI with the vertex and end points of the overlaying lines to get the angle.  This requires that the user draw the lines in the correct direction in order to utilize the end points.  Seems to me this is a bit awkward.  Is there an easier way, such as using the polyline tool as an angle tool and extracting coordinates.   I briefly looked at the latter, not sure it was straightforward to do that.


I feel that an Angle tool should be a standard ROI tool.


Anybody else use a simpler method for drawing and obtaining angles?  Or any other thoughts?






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Hello DonRoth,


Another possible solution would be to use three points in order to determine the angle. Using this, you would select a vertex point, and then the two points that define the angle that you would like to calculate. Then you can use the IMAQ Get Angles VI found here:

Vision and Motion >> Machine Vision >> Analytic Geomety >> IMAQ Get Angles


to determine the angle that you are looking for. This would alleviate any issues where the direction of the lines would cause an error in the measured angle.





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As you can see from my post, I did also utilize IMAQ Get Angles.


I suppose your post provides another possible way to do this, but I like to draw lines when creating angles between objects.  Lines give a better feel when creating an angular measurement.


I think if we can figure out what ROI Vision Assistant is using to perform its angular measurement, we can duplicate it in LabVIEW.  I have not exactly deciphered what tool would be used to create the ROI that is created when converting from Vision Assistant script to LabVIEW code.





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