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Error acquire image with usb camera



I try to acquire image from usb "tuscen" camera with use DirectShow driver  throw the Vision Assistant 2013, but I receive error all the times.


I reinstall the labview with all the extension (NI IMAQdx, vision, NI MAX)



The error massage from the MAX and the vision Assistant was different and the sreen capture are in the attached files (in MAX was  "Error 0x80040154 The configured external lighting mode is invalid" and in vision assistants a longer massage)


In the MAX under the IMAQdx its show camera named "BDR medicam capture" with is not the tuscen camera and I don't know where its come from.


I also attached the MAX report.


This computer run on xp.


another remark is that on another computer (newer computer with win 7) I manege to acquire image with vision assistant.

I can't replace the computer because the microscope hardware is install on the xp computer. 





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Message 1 of 3

Looks to me like os compatibility issue. You dont have any issue in xp? Same settings

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Message 2 of 3



From the Vision Development webSite its should be compatibility withXP. Where in my comuter can I see if there a crucial problem?


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