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FLIR A320 infrared camera Labview Developer Kit feedback

Hey Giacomo,


Something else that you may want to check into is what mode is your camera is in? It could be possible that your camera is in some sort of triggered mode. So the camera is waiting for an external trigger to acquire an image. Then, when you call the, there isn't any image to get because the camera itself is waiting for a trigger to acquire an image; since the camera never receives a trigger, there is no image to get and a timeout error ensues. Check to see if your camera is in a triggered mode or a 'freerun' mode.

Hope this helps.

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Message 11 of 33

Did anyone ever solve this issue?  I am having the exact same issue with two laptops.  I can run the exact same software with no problems on a desktop computer with no problems, so I know the code is working.  I dug way down into the VIs and it seems that it just won't grab the image from the camera (A320), but all other functions are working.  I've checked all of my licenses and they all seem to be good.  Am I missing an intsall?  Do I need to re-install anything (I already tried the repair options)?  I had a thought that maybe the built in camera on the laptop had something to do with it, but that doesn't seem likely.  Any help would be great!



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Message 12 of 33

Hi Trouble,


When you say it won't grab the image, are there any specific errors?  Are there any key configuration between the laptop and the desktop (OS, intermediate hardware, network configuration, etc)?


Also, can you list the version of LabVIEW that you are running in?  Did you install the the Vision Acquisition along with the Vision Development Module?  Are you using the Ethernet port or the Analog Video port?

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Message 13 of 33

Actually, after getting transferred to several people, I was able to get help from FLIR, a gentlemen in Canada has the solution.  I will write a little here for future troubleshooting.


There is a test to see if this solution will work.  Open the IR Monitor, then change the mode from MPEG4 to SIGNAL (this changes to the 16bit streaming).  If the image goes away then this next section will solve the problem:


Go to the FLIR website (  Find the software downloads (  You will have to create a login for yourself.  Select PC Software -> Other -> FSRTSP  and then download the zip file to your computer.  Run the install and then retry acquiring the image (no restart required).  This worked right away for me, I was so excited!!  No way I would have found this on my own.


Anyway, I was told that some windows update was blocking the 16bit streaming.  Nobody seems to know why, which update, or what exactly is causing it, but this zip file will fix the problem.


Here is what I have installed:

A320 Camera (ethernet)

Windows XP

SDK toolkit 3.2 (with both hotfixes) - Also found on the FLIR website downloads (will need serial number from FLIR)

Vision 8.6 (acquisition & development)

Labview 8.6


Just a side note, some of the tech support poeple were saying that I need to upgrade to the Peoria drivers for the NIC.  This is not necessary.


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Message 14 of 33

Hello everybody

I've an additional question concerning this matter. I work with a FLIR A320G and I want to write my own application in LabView (synchronizing the camera with other components in the setup). Do I really need this LabView Digital Toolkit 3.2 provided by FLIR or is it sufficient to work with IMAQ Vision which is provided by LabView (without the LV toolkit 3.2)?


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Message 15 of 33

I'm not sure if the A320G is GigEVision compliant or not.

If yes, you should have no problem to use it through IMAQdx : we successfully used the FLIR A315 through this driver.

You should also make sure that the camera is able to provide pixel values in TempLinear mode (unit is 1àmK or 100mK).

Otherwise, values will be radiometric and it seems quite complex to convert that to temperature values.



Sami Fathallah
HW and SW Components for Scientific Imaging and Machine Vision
0 Kudos
Message 16 of 33

Hi Sami

Thanks for the quick reply! It was helpful.

FLIR A320G is GigE and GeniCam compliant, so it means it will be sufficient to use the IMAQdx.

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Message 17 of 33

Our company specializes in writing software to control FLIR hardware, in particular the ThermoVision range of cameras (such as the A-series) and also their Cedip camera range (such as the SC-series models).


Some camera models that our software is currently compatible with include:

A300 A310 A315 A615 A320 A20 A40 A320G etc

SC600 SC645 SC655 SC2000 SC5000 SC2500 SC7000 SC7600 SC7900 etc


Our software is fully customizable and is written primarily with back-end in C++ and front-end in C#.


We would love to hear from anyone considering using FLIR hardware for a specific project or application. We are official FLIR integrators and are based out of Melbourne & Adelaide in Australia.


Simon Cronk
Head of Software Engineering

Spatial Scientific, Australia

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Message 18 of 33


We currently work with a FLIR A40 and get temperature data over the serial port (max temp in a zone etc.) from VB express applications (built in the free MS VB enviroment).


Now we are looking at purchasing a FLIR A300.

Our issue is that without a serial port or any documented commend set for basic comms over the ethernet link we are forced to buy Labview Pro  ($4500) + FLIR Labview toolkit ($1500), and the flir manual hints at the requirement for NI Vision (which comes in a $500 and $5000 flavors)  which is goign to cost more thant he camera (!!!).


I have the eval version of Labview Pro 2011 but FLIR do not have an evlauation version of thier toolkit so I can't plan my companies buget.


My questions is - Is NI Vision strictly needed?  Browsing the FLIR labview toolkit manual I see no NI Vision specific data structures. Even the image library blocks just outptu 2D arrays of integer or floats. 

 - can someone who uses it day to day confirm true requriements? (i.e. what happens when you open the FLIR toolkit on Labview 2011 without any vision installs)




0 Kudos
Message 19 of 33

Dear lvperson8,

We can help you out with your dilemma. We (MoviMED) are a National Instruments Alliance Partner specializing in vision based applications. In addition we are a FLIR distributor and intgerator. We can develop the application for you and also provide you with the A300 camera or any other model. This will provide you with a more affordable solution to your appications.


We have division that specializes on thermal imaging. MoviTHERM - Advanced Thermography Solutions.


Please feel free to call me at 949.699.6600 x111 or email at m.tarin(at)movitherm(dot)com


I look forward to talking to you.



Markus Tarin


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Message 20 of 33