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FLIR A320 infrared camera Labview Developer Kit feedback

Hi lvperson8,

I forgot to mention that we also have an off-the-shelf software solution for automated thermal imaging as well. It's called "IR-Control" and you can learn more about it here: MoviTHERM IR-Control. The software is compatible with all FLIR A-Series cameras (FLIR A300, A310, A310, A615 and others).


IR-Control is compatible with National Instruments DAQ boards (M-Series) and allows you to control digital I/O based on pass/fail criteria that you can configure.


Here is a tutorial video of an example application using a FLIR A315 with IR-Control for hot-glue bead inspection.






0 Kudos
Message 21 of 33

@lvperson8 wrote:


My questions is - Is NI Vision strictly needed?



Good news everyone. Vision is NOT needed. I have a clean install of Labview 2011 Pro and FLIR Labview toolkit on a Windows XP PC. The FLIR examples and (some) FLIR library vi's contain NI vision calls but they are not strictly required. They are only being used to present image data.


I have taken one of the FLIR firewire capture examples  (to use with our FLIR A40 camera) and removed all references to NI Vision.

The FLIR image capture data is a 2D integer array and I can map it to a standard Labview Picture Box.

I now have image data (array) and a nice on screen picture (picture box) to work with.

I was able to capture and update the picture box at ~20fps on an old P4 PC (with 100% CPU utilization). With a 100ms wait in the loop I was capturing ~10fps at ~50% CPU usage.

0 Kudos
Message 22 of 33



I am using A320 as well. The camera alredy shot lot of  *.fff images. How do I open and process the images in Labview vision software? Does the Flir labview tool kit has a VI that can converter *.fff image to the format that Labview vision can access?


Many Thanks


0 Kudos
Message 23 of 33



You can use the Vision Acquisition software to open an image in LabVIEW.  You can find a link to the download here.  You will need to convert the file to a different format to be compatable with LabVIEW.  I am not sure if the FLIR toolkit has this but there are third party programs that will do this.




Greg H.

Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 24 of 33

Hi Ivperson8,


I am trying to connect A40 to the labview 2009. I entered all the parameters mentioned in the connect method in the flir labview tolkit manual. but I get an undefined error in the function. "error code#1, camera not connected/device not present", I could not sort out what is the problem, but i could view the video stream in MAX under NIIMAQdx. Could you please help me. I am sticking to this for the past 3 days. It would be a great help. Thank you. 

0 Kudos
Message 25 of 33

Hi nichoo,


Unfortunately I can't help you with the FLIR libraries, I would suggest getting in touch with FLIR for that, however if you are able to see the images in MAX using IMAQdx, you should be able to interface with your camera in LabVIEW using the IMAQdx VIs and completely bypassing the FLIR toolkit.




0 Kudos
Message 26 of 33

But can I get the temperature readings of the particular point in the image using the NI IMAQ Vi's cos I have not tried with it. I know we can do it in FLIR Vi's.

0 Kudos
Message 27 of 33

Hi, with the IMAQdx VIs you will be able to get the image itself but will have to do all the processing yourself



0 Kudos
Message 28 of 33

Hi Jeff,


Have you ever worked with the DAQ device. I have an analog output DAQ which generates 0-20mA signal, but If I give the input to it as temperature value from the camera, its not working. Its givinfg the error as invalid input.

0 Kudos
Message 29 of 33

Hi nichoo,


How are you converting the temperature value to current? It sounds like the conversion you are using results in a current that is outside the range of 0-20mA.

0 Kudos
Message 30 of 33