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Having image capture problems with 2 cameras and the PCIe-1430

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I am experiencing problems switching between my two cameras and snapping or grabbing images while in Labview or MAX. I can switch between cameras and capture images just fine while in the Vision Development Module but not in Labview or MAX. However, it does work the first time I capture an image from either port but not after that.


This the error I get from Labview:


Error -1074397150 occurred at IMAQ

Possible reason(s):

NI-IMAQ:  A timeout error occurred while waiting for the
specified event.  If waiting for an image, verify that all video
data is acquired within the timeout period.  If waiting for a
signal, verify that the signal assertion occurs within the timeout


This the error I get from MAX:


IMAQ Error

Error 0xBFF60022

A timeout error occurred while waiting for the specified event.
If waiting for an image, verify that all of the video data is acquired
within the timeout period. If waiting for a signal, verify that the
signal assertion occurs within the timeout period.


The following list is what I am currently using:


1 PCIe-1430 capture card

2 JAI Pulnix CM-140MCL cameras

Labview 9000 f3

Vision Assistant Build 20090611041452

MAX 4.6

NI Vision 9.0

IMAQ 4.3

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Message 1 of 13



Have you tried running the example VI from the example finder? This VI is called HL Snap and can be found under Hardware Input and Output»IMAQ»High Level when browsing by task. Also, can you run this example and then change the interface name and re-run it successfully? This will help to narrow down the problem. I would also try troubleshooting your code by using a sequence structure to perform two snaps, one after the other with the code you have.



0 Kudos
Message 2 of 13

Hi Zach,


When I run from the example finder and the interface name set to img0::0 the program runs normally for one snap. Then when I run from the example finder and the interface name set to img0::1 the program also runs normally for one snap. When I go back to img0::0 and try to run it again I get the error we discussed previously.


I then added another event case to my program that snapped both cameras sequentially as you suggested, and I still get the same results. The program operates correctly the first time through but bombs after that.


Why do I get these errors in MAX as well? I can get one of the ports to snap several times sequentially in MAX but after switching ports and returning to the original port I get the error right after the first snap. This happens with both ports and two different cameras and cables.


I am using the original camera file for a JAI/PULNIX CM-140MCL.


Thank you for your help,


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 13
Did you say you had the program working in VBAI? You can try to Migrate the code to LabVIEW after you've configured the steps to acquire images sequentially. I've attached a piece of code here for you to try out.
Andy Chang
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 13

Hi Andy,


What I said was that I can operate both cameras and snap pictures all day long with the NI Vision Development Module but not with Labview or Max. I tried your example and it didnt operate either...I still get the same errors.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 13

Hey Rick,


Vision Development Module is a collection of image processing and machine vision functions for numerous programming languages, such as NI LabVIEW. Were you referring to Vision Assistant? You can also create LabVIEW VI from Vision Assistant from the Tool Function.

Andy Chang
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 13

Hi Andy,


Yes you are correct. The Vision Development Module is now refered to as the NI Vision Assistant. This is the program that operates both cameras correctly. It is Max and Labview that does not work properly. This is now becomming a critical issue as it is pushing out my deadline for this and future machines. If I cant resolve this software issue soon its going to cause problems on my end. Maybe I should contact an engineer, I do have a service contract.

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Message 7 of 13



Are you using the camera file for the CM-140MCL that is included with IMAQ? I wonder if there are some issues with the serial commands for the camera in whichever camera file you are using. I think the serial commands will run each time you start acquiring and if for some reason the second time they fail or are treated differently, perhaps that is causing the camera to not send a proper image the second time.


If you click the checkbox to disable serial commands to the camera within MAX, does this change the behavior?



0 Kudos
Message 8 of 13

I think you might be on to something Eric. After disabling the serial commands the camera on port 1 works flawlessly in MAX and in Labview but the camera on port 0 still has issues. It did work for about 15 snaps verses 1 or 2 this time. Yes I am using the camera file that came with IMAQ. Thanks for your help...It feels like we are getting closer to resolving this issue.


0 Kudos
Message 9 of 13



The camera file looks to have lots of configured serial commands. Maybe JAI made some firmware changes to their camera since that camera file was created and so some of it is no longer valid. Maybe you can configure the camera using a utility by JAI, save the settings to its non-volatile memory, and then disable all serial commands in the driver.



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Message 10 of 13