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How do I pause an inspection to wait for user input?

Hi everyone,


I want to do something that seems so simple - but I can't figure it out. I have identical parts that I want to make some basic measurements on. I want the user to place a part on the table; see the image on a monitor (to verify the part is placed correctly); then press a 'measure part' button to execute the inspection; get indication of measurment pass/fail; repeat process for the next part.


Everything is working fine except I can't seem to figure out how to make the inspection pause until the user presses the 'measure part' button. I have customized the user interface and added a 'measure part' boolean control, then added a transition that I think is supposed to wait until the 'measure part' button is true to make a transition.


I can run the inspection and see the aquired image, but when I press my 'measure part' button nothing happens. The inspection never seems to move into the next state to start the measurements. Anybody have any ideas what I am doing wrong?


I am running Vision Builder AI version 2011 on an EVS-1464


- Paul

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I didn't look into your script, but for the functionality you descriped I would create a new state, which's default transition points to itself and where there is the other transition (which got fired when the button is pressed) which points to the next step. Within the state you simply place a delay function.




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