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How does a line scan camera trigger Frame grabber (1433)?

Hello everyone!

I have a line scan camera (e2v OCTOPLUS) and I linked the camera to 1433 through camera link. I want to know How does a line scan camera trigger Frame grabber (1433)? Does the camera use the signal of HSYNC?

Or, the camera doesn't trigger 1433. And in this situation, how does 1433 know when to acquire the line from the line scan camera?


I want to use the function,imgSessionTriggerDrive2(),to output signals representing the trigger or clock, according to which 1433 acquire a line from the line scan camera.


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Assuming the acquisition itself has been started/triggered on the 1433, data acquisition is triggered using the various frame, line, and data valid signals defined by the CameraLink spec and sent over the cable.

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I want to add to what was said before. 

The Frame Grabber is timing the line scan camera to the external signals. If you want external line trigger / frame trigger to be connected from encoder then it needs to go to the frame grabber.  

Camera is configured by software and the frame grabber can buffer the image internally. Then transfer the whole image to the PC.


Amit Shachaf
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