08-23-2017 05:39 AM
sorry for late answer I think maybe based on xml configuration file labview use streaming in 32bit format for supporting u16
and also maybe casting image in this case work or also we can use convert image to array u32 and then convert it ti u16 array and reimage it to show test this vi and tell us if if work or not
08-23-2017 01:43 PM
This only gives me a black image and nothing else.
Kashish Dhal
08-25-2017 09:34 AM
Hatef and Kashish,
From what I understand, the problem isn't as simple as taking an RGB image and casting it as a U16. The Intel Realsense cameras acquire 2 images: an RGB image and a U16 "depth" image that can be used for 3D imaging. It seems that kashish is trying to get that depth image, but you can't get that information simply by converting the RGB image.
08-28-2017 02:25 AM
08-28-2017 07:20 AM
I did not understand.
Can you attach the code please ?
Kashish Dhal
02-14-2018 03:17 AM
Hi Kashish,
I was wondering if you made any progress? I've come across your posts on multiple forums and unforgettably non seem to have resulted in success thus far.
I've hooked up a Intel RealSense SR300 and it shows up in Max as three separate camera's (see attached image)
The depth came shows the problem Kashish is describing, when using the YUY2 codec you get just a green screen. The other three video modes use codecs that are not supported.
I assume the structure is the same as the one that is recognized as YUY2, and only the frame rate is higher. But I have no idea about the data structure....
02-14-2018 04:42 PM
02-14-2018 05:12 PM
Unfortunately, you cannot access the 16-bit depth image of the RealSense camera using the IMAQdx driver. That only way to currently use the camera with LabVIEW would be to write a LabVIEW wrapper around the RealSense SDK functions.
02-14-2018 05:17 PM
Yes, LabVIEW drivers can't read 16 bit image and I gave up on this project as I didn't want to write the wrapper.
Kashish Dhal
02-14-2018 06:26 PM
If anyone does succeed in writing a LabVIEW wrapper for the RealSense SDK in order to use the depth image of the RealSense cameras, please post it in the LabVIEW community examples.