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IMAQdx Get Issues...

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Fixed... although not in a very satisfying way.


I had Vision Acquisition August 2015 installed (not 2014 like I thought).  So just updating to Feb 2015 wouldn't help me.  But what the hell... let's try.  I put it in and it recognized IMAQdx already had more recent versions.  But it could update IMAQ.  So I ran that for the fun of it, and it fixed it.  No clue why that did it, since the errors were pointing to an IMAQdx issue... but it's fixed.


Thanks for the discussion though.  Your help got me moving in the right direction!

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Message 11 of 13

sir, i m using logitech c 170 webcam it shows timeout error NI-IMAQdx: (Hex 0xBFF69018) timeout error while i press start button to capture multiple shots for process and detect fault in live video. how to fix it ???

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Message 12 of 13

If this is unrelated to the original post on this thread, I recommend creating a new one. You are more likely to get a discussion going that way. 


It looks like that camera is a USB 2.0 camera. Please see more about supported USB 2.0 cameras:


Does the behavior exist in NI MAX? The LabVIEW development environment? Which versions of software are you using? 

Becca B.
Product Marketing
National Instruments
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Message 13 of 13