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Intel 3D camera


I have a F200 3D camera from Intel. I want use labview to controll this camra to take image.

Please advise if it is posible.




0 Kudos
Message 1 of 6

To capture image you need Vision Acquistion software:

-If you have already installed Labview and MAX, Open MAX and see if your device is shown.

-Once your device is shown you can click on the device and in the tab and click on Grab or Snap and see if you can capture images.

-For start:

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

Hi Hong,

Quickly looking into the specifications I see that the camera has an USB 3.0 interface. The Vision Acquisition Software we have includes IMAQdx, which supports the USB 3.0 Vision standard. You might need to double check with the manufacturer if this camera supports the USB 3.0 Vision standard



Andres G

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6

I highly doubt the camera supports the USB 3.0 Vision standard.  It seems like the camera is meant to only work with Intel's RealSense software and nothing else.  If the camera exposes a DirectShow interface, it could possibly work with NI's Vision Acquisition software.  Just install Vision Acquisition software, open Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX), and see if the camera shows up. 


If the camera does not show up in MAX after installing Vision Acquisition, you are going to have to use Intel's SDK to control the camera from LabVIEW.  It seems like the SDK provides some sort of C/C++/C# API, but I didn't look at it too closely to see what functionality you can use outside of Intel's tools ( You will have to use LabVIEW "Call Library Function Nodes" to interface with a DLL you create that uses Intel's camera API. 

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6

Thanks rrobe

I have got the RGB image in bmp format. How do I get depth image?


0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6
I do not work with such camera but maybe one of bellow method could solve your problem

1 maybe you can use part of this toolkit for your work
I do not know test this may be help
2 may be you can use labview stereo vision depth vi for this one
check this example
Message 6 of 6