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Interface Laveiw with CCTV Camera



I try to interface CCTV camera with Labview via USBTV device for my image processing project. However the capture the image using traditional IMAQdx driver. Any suggested method?


The model of my camera is TELCA TC-778DN with specification below:




Pick-up device1/3' SONY CCD 
Number of pixelsNTSC : 510 (H) x 492 (V), PAL:500 (H) x 582 (V)
Horizontal resolution  500 TVLines
Minimum illumination  0.01 LUX @ F1.2 
S/N rationMore than 48dB
White BalanceAWB ON/OFF Switch
Backlight compensationBLC ON/OFF Switch
Exposure ModeEE/AI Switch
Electronic shutter1/60(1/50) ~ 1/100,000 SEC
Video Output1.0Vp-p composite video,75 Ohm
Gramma Correcton0.45
Synchonizing SystemInternal
Auto Iris ControlDC/Video Switch
LensC/CS Mount
Supply voltageDC 12V
Operation temp.  - 10°C to 50°C


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 6
you have to buy a usb DVR capture for this reason

see this link
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

Thank you for your advice, but could you explain the reason? Beacuse I think this device has the same function as USBTV.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6
I think you want any other method instead of USBTV. for calling your
CCTV camera in labview
this dvr work fine
I test it with labview and imaqmx before
if it is not what you want so what is your question is ?
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6

Let's take a step back.  The problem you've posted isn't entirely clear.


Are you saying the capture requires IMAQdx and completes successfully using that driver?  Are you saying it won't work with that driver?

Where are you currently at?  For this, I'd suggest starting first with image acquisition.  Can you acquire images using the manufacturer's software?  If so, you know the device can talk to your PC.  Next, with the IMAQdx drivers installed, can you see the device in MAX?  If so, try to Snap an image.  If not, determine if it is DirectShow compliant.


DirectShow is a standard used with USB cameras.  The DirectShow functionality is enabled by the manufacturer and allows third parties to see the functions and interact with the camera.  Without this, there's no way to use the IMAQdx driver to talk to the camera.  Instead, we'd want to look at the API provided by the manufacturer. 


If we're in the second case, you'll want to see what software support the manufacturer provides.  Download this software support.  Take a look through the documentation.  Typically, they'll include a C API through a DLL.  You can use this DLL and build a series of "wrapper" VIs each with a Call Library Function Node (CLFN) inside.  The library of wrapper VIs will call all of the required functions from the DLL.  With that, you can use it to bring images into LabVIEW.


Once we get past these hurdles, you can look at processing.  But, until you acquire images, there's not much you can do here.  Focus your attention on this troubleshooting path and find where you get hung up.  Once you see that, let us know here where you're stuck and we can look at finding a way for you to move forward.


Hatef, if you can get images into LabVIEW, storing them is pretty trivial.  There shouldn't be a need for any additional hardware.




0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6
indeed i think may be he want to any other method to open camera in labview with lower cost
so i suggest that method and device
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 6