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NI MAX Licesnce Manager - Server Name?

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hi, been using ethernet camera locally at a remote site for years with no problems. recently my web connection was changed from a hardwire to a wireless connection. with that change, at startup, NI software needed a refresh on the Licence Manger. after which MAX no longer sees the camera. the licence manger looks like the attached image, i.e. it displays a broken licence server... and a message that there is a problem in the registery.


suggestions on how to fix this will be greatly appreciated.

thanks for your time and efforts

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Message 1 of 5

windows device manager shows that the PC ethernet card has gone missing!? when the local staff installs it, hopefully all will be well again... no interface card = no camera connection. ... communications with remote sites can be challengening and there are lots of leasons to learn... cheers

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Message 2 of 5
Accepted by topic author larry2

Hi Larry,


From what I understand, there are two issues; the error message with NI License Manager and not being able to see your camera. What type of camera are you working with, and how are you connecting it to your computer (i.e. USB3, GigE, etc.) I'm assuming GigE? Next, have you seen the following KB?  


My Activated Software License Does Not Work After Undocking Laptop or Installing New Network Adapter




Peter George

Applications Engineer

National Instruments



Message 3 of 5

hey KingPGeorge,

thanks for the input.


The camera is indead a GigE interface. the PC is windows 10, desktop with 6 core. I'm running 5 labview apps in parallel - and all works fine.


i had not seen the reference you provided. it likely explains why the MAX software did a cycle to reload the license, after a new wireless card had been installed...  i assumed the license was based upon some motherboard ID. so it is helpful to learn that it is linked to some other network adapter. especially since i use that id to validate my labveiw code is running on one of my PCs. if a client changes their webcard, it could cause my code to quite functioning. now i know how to fix that, if it happens. thanks.. cheers


once the GigE card was re-installed, i was able to load the NI driver, so the system is again working as planned.

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Message 4 of 5

Hi Larry,


I'm glad that worked! Hopefully, this will save you some headache on your clients' systems in the future.




Peter George

Applications Engineer

National Instruments


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Message 5 of 5