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NI Vision Assistant Express VI with NI Vision Development Module Runtime

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Hello There,


I searched the whole forum for an answer to my question, but I havent really found anything useful. That's why i am now making my own Post.

The Situation:

I have a Development PC where I have NI Vision Development Module 2016, LabView 2016 and NI Vision Acquistion Software 2016. On this PC i need to develop a VI which takes a picture, preocesses it and saves it. This VI needs to be included in an already running Teststand Sequence as an improvement of Testing. This Teststand Sequence runs on another PC, where I have all the runtime licenses installed.

I have developed a LabView VI which acquires a picture, processes it, returns the results and saves the picture with the express VI's for NI Vision Assistant and NI Image Acquisition Software. I created the same process with the NI Vision Development Module and converted it into a VI before, but that VI is so vast and clunky, that I want to stick to the express VI solution.

The problem I am having now is that the express VI is not executable on the PC with the runtimes. Normally, LabView VIs dont have a problem being executed when the Runtime is installed.


Maybe there is something I am not seeing or did not understand, but to me, this should work, right?

I hope i explained myself clearly enough for you to understand my issue.

Thank you in advance for answering me!


Best regards,

Alexander Egg

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 9

On runtime PC, did you install Vision Development Module and not activated?

Licensing National Instruments Vision Software 

The VDM RTE is not recommended for computers with VDM installed.

Certified LabVIEW Developer
There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions

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Message 2 of 9

Hello Emboar,


thank you for the reply!

So on the runtime PC, there is only VDM Runtime installed. I tried before to run it with VDM itself on the runtime PC which worked of course. Then I went ahead and deinstalled VDM, installed the VDM Runtime, activated the runtime and now it's not working anymore. I can't have the VDM installed on the runtime PC because it is a customer PC and I don't want to have our development license active on a customer PC.

I have NI VAS installed as well on the runtime PC.


Best regards,

Alexander Egg

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 9

You will need a NI Vision Development Module Run-Time License for the customer PC or else you will not be able to run your executable.

CLD Using LabVIEW since 2013
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Message 4 of 9

Hello kartiknattar,


thanks for your reply!

I have a NI Vision Development Module Run-Time License for the customer PC. I activated it and also installed and activated NI Image Acquisition Software. I have both 2016 versions. My Labview and Teststand are also 2016 versions. 

This is the point that i do not understand. In my opinion, I have all the right licenses that should allow me to run the VI I wrote on the Development PC. But it's not working.

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Message 5 of 9

1.  Make sure the licenses are fully activated.  I have had the licenses take two activations many times.  The first time, it says it will be activated on next start, but never activates.  The second time, it turns green and everything is good.


2.  Put in some error handling so you can get an error code when it doesn't work. If we have an error code, we can narrow down the problem.  Right now it could be a dozen different issues.



Bruce Ammons
Ammons Engineering
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Message 6 of 9

Hi Bruce,


thanks for your reply!


1. I checked the NI license manager and the licenses are all activated. I attached a screenshot to show you this. (I blacked out the serial number)


2. The VI isnt even able to be executed. I cannot run the VI, since I get a warning which I also attached. Maybe the warning tells you something about my problem.


Before you suggest to reinstall all of the Vision packages, I already did this multiple times with no success.


Best regards,

Alexander Egg

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Message 7 of 9
Accepted by AlexanderEgg

The licenses look like you are mixing run-time versions (Vision, TestStand) and development versions (LabVIEW, TestStand).


You need to either do everything in development or run-time, not mixed.  Either install the development version of the Vision software, or create an executable and install the LabVIEW run-time engine so everything is run-time.



Bruce Ammons
Ammons Engineering
Message 8 of 9

Hello Bruce,


thanks for the reply!


This was the mistake i was made. I mixed the runtime and development licences, which created a mess for labview.


I guess NI software cant deal with development and runtimes installed on the same device at the same time. Which does make sense.


Thanks again for this solution!


Best regards,

Alexander Egg

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Message 9 of 9