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Online Edge Detection IMAQdx

Dear All,


I'm trying to make algorithim to detect edge using IMAQ Find Edge. I want to display the result online. I'm also using the IMAQ dx to get online display. But I get a problem that the result of edge detection not appear at the window. Only main display appear before the edge detector has added. I attact the file that I have program it. I hope someone can help to settle down this problem. Thank you very much.

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Message 1 of 4
You should wire the image to the "Main" image control behind the calling of IMAQ Find Edge. The image control is being redrawn only at the moment data comes on the wire. As you have it now, the image data comes to the control right after getting the image from camera.

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Message 2 of 4

You should try using Vision Assistant to configure your image processing, since you'll see its result while configuring.

I don't think you can manually configure an ROI, and other find edge parameter from front panel properly.

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Message 3 of 4
By result not displayed do you mean you are not able to overlay the result? Did you try overlay line? You can configure the roi from the result but better to check it with vision assistant before procedding.
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Message 4 of 4