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OpenVINO and Vision Development Module 2020 SP2

Dear colleagues,


Just upgraded to VDM 2020SP2 released few days ago and found that the OpenVINO seems to be not working properly any longer.

Pretty sure that I have seen OpenVINO working before (at least reference example).

But I'm not sure if the problem within LabVIEW/Vision or may be in some interference with other tools installed on the same PC.

Before my deep diving into downgrades can you please open example shipped with VDM and check if it functional or not?

I mean this one: "C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2020\examples\Vision\Deep Learning Object Detection\Deep Learning Object Detection (OpenVINO).vi"

This is what I've got with LabVIEW 2020SP1/VDM2020SP2 (64-bit):


Screenshot 2021-04-25 12.28.14.png

No errors and something detected, but far away from the expected result, which should be almost the same as TensorFlow:

Screenshot 2021-04-25 12.28.37.png


If you have VDM with OpenVINO installed - can you please check if you have same result? Thank you!



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Message 1 of 3

Hi Andrey,


 I have the Vision Development Module 2021 and the example for OpenVINO works just fine (it detects the defects and draws bounding boxes). The problem is that I can't make it work with a different model than the one in the example. The implementation seems to be too old to work properly. Have you found a way to make it work for up-to-date models? 



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Message 2 of 3

No, I haven't checked with up-to-date OpenVINO models. Currently I using tensorflow only (which works also with my own models). Upgraded to LabVIEW 2021/VDM 2021 and still the same result - this example is not working on both my PC — desktop and notebook. Looks like interference with other software installed on these computers.

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