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Pattern maching not fallowing RIO



I have a project where I need to detect the spring in the handle.

The spring should be in the middle of the handle in a small groove. If it is inside the handle but not in the groove but next to it, the setting is wrong. If the spring is not inserted into the handle it is also wrong and the product must be rejected (pictures below)


The placement of the pitcher or the handle is mixed


I tackled the task by first sensing the handle of the jug itself. Then I set the coordinate system and the mask. The problem started at the spring detection step. Namely, the detection window (green box) does not follow the RIO. When the jug moves a little further from the center, the window no longer follows. Therefore, I have to adjust the RIO manually, despite the fact that I have the detection set to follow the coordinates.


I wonder how, after the RIO spring step, the detection window can follow the mask? I'm also interested in what the next steps are. Is it necessary to create a labview IV program that selects handles for which the spring is not inserted or is inserted incorrectly?


As you can see I am new to this.

Thanks for all the help


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Message 1 of 3

For me it works, probably you forgot to set rotation or coordinate System for reposition.


The Pattern Matching Step Setup:

Screenshot 2024-05-06 15.27.46.png


Then Coordinate System:

Screenshot 2024-05-06 15.28.15.png

And finally Mask:

Screenshot 2024-05-06 15.30.27.png

Not sure why do you need Coord System and Masking twice as shown on your screen shot.


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Message 2 of 3

maybe I'm forgetting something, but I have everything ticked off (see videos bellow)





I used the coordinate system and the mask twice to first check if the spring is in the handle, and second if the spring is in the correct position.



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Message 3 of 3