02-07-2010 04:47 PM
I want to transmit video using TCP/IP protocol acquired from USB camera. Acquisition is done well but when I place the TCP VIs in the acquisition VI then the trouble begins and I can’t even get the video in that particular VI which was acquiring video and working fine previously.
Interesting thing is that both Cam Server and Cam Client VIs was transmitting video in the very first run. After that I don’t know what happened.
I am using lab view 8.2.1.VIs are attached.
Please help me out.
02-08-2010 05:04 PM
Hi Aftab,
I need to install some drivers to test this directly in LabVIEW 8.2, but on the Flatten to String function, you're already prepending the size of the string to its beginning. What happens when you set those constants to false?
02-27-2010 07:48 AM
Hi Kyle S,
I am also facing the similar issue rgarding video transmission over TCP.and your suggestion seems not to be working.
any further help???
Thanking in Advance
Best Regards
03-01-2010 04:56 PM
Hello Shoaib,
Are you running the same VI that was posted on this thread or do you have your own? If you are facing a similar problem with your own VI, could you post a screenshot and/or the code that is facing a problem?
03-01-2010 05:05 PM
Hi Shoaib,
Here's an example I was testing mixing IMAQdx and the Simple TCP/IP Messaging Protocol (http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/4095) to send up a video client/server app with a USB camera that I was testing with.
03-18-2010 07:49 AM
i try to run these VIs but simple messaging service VIs are not available in the labview and link for downloading STM refernce library is also not working.
03-19-2010 03:12 PM
Hey Fawad,
Which VIs specifically were not loading from the example code that Kyle posted? You will for sure need to install the IMAQ drivers for this to open.
Also, I was able to download the STM library 2.0 installer from this location.
Logan H
02-14-2012 11:33 AM
hi Logan H.
by running the two vi: server and client, I
this error;
the network operation exceeded the user-specified or system time limit
Can you tell me why
02-15-2012 06:42 PM
Hi mikhailether,
It sounds like you are getting a timeout error. Are you running the files that Kyle posted? Or which files are you using to accomplish this application?
Best Regards,
Nathan B
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
02-16-2012 05:30 AM
hi Nato3
regarding the vi is
video client.vi 41 KB and
video server.vi 22 KB
when i run the client, no image aquired , and i this error
The network connection was closed by the peer. If you are using the Open VI Reference function on a remote VI Server connection, verify that the machine is allowed access by selecting Tools>>Options>>VI Server on the server side.