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Twain Driver



people have been asking for a Twain driver for labview since 2000, why have you not provided one?  stop referring to 3rd party vendors and release a driver. 

there are more scanners, webcams, cameras available with a Twain driver than any other hardware.  There are millions and millions of devices available.  put out a labview driver.


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 9

Instead of complaining everywhere on these forums (already 3 similar posts !), you should spend some time (less than 10 mins - is that too much ?) to develop your own application.

Unexperience or lazyness has never been an excuse for being aggressive and insulting !

First, dowload the activeX TWAIN control from Ciansoft (there is a free trial version, fully operationnal, that just write a small line of text at the top of the recorded image).

Then code your own scanning application with a few clicks, as shown in the diagram below. 



Message Edité par chilly charly le 12-26-2008 03:59 PM
Chilly Charly    (aka CC)
Message 2 of 9

If I wanted a amateur, unprofessional and lame result, I'd ask people like you.
No configuration, no settings of scan area or ROI, resolution, multiple scans, bit-depth,
interacting with programs like ICE, outputing to a pdf file? from an imaging device?
you don't have clue.

I specifically asked for an NI response because I want a professional fully-supported,
fully-functional driver, not some lame, crippled amateur hack.

If you have read the Twain API, you would have a clue but obviously you have not and have
no clue about how Twain interacts with user and kernel mode drivers.
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 9



some demo hack code that puts some crap on the file is completely unprofessional and unacceptable.   go to Basler and get their Pylon Twain driver.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 9
Your problem is not with LabVIEW...
Chilly Charly    (aka CC)
Message 5 of 9

I'm trying to figure out how to impliment the example .vi that Chilly Charlie posted, but keeping getting an error at the ITwain (select device) property node that reads "Null Refnum was passed in as input.  Does anyone have any insight into what I'm doing incorrectly? 



0 Kudos
Message 6 of 9
From the error, it looks like the reference wired into the property node(s) is wrong. Make sure that you are obtaining a reference to the Actixe Object correctly. You could take a look at the ActiveX examples that are shipped with LabVIEW to see how this is done. Hope this helps!
Vivek Nath
National Instruments
Applications Engineer
Machine Vision
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 9

You are both correct.  NI should provide a TWAIN driver AND sometimes you have to dig deep to find a solution.  Here is my solution to the problem (posted in LV 8.0).  Thanks to Ian Chester for assisting me this weekend. Outstanding support on a holiday weekend!!


You need to install the ActiveX driver (trial version)  FIRST then run the attached example.  I looks at several TWAIN drivers and theirs it the best price AND it works.  $330 for a full corporate license and $110 for individual is very reasonable.


It it doesn't work first time look at select source index OR read the manual.    Yes, sometimes you need to read the manual.                                    


Hope this helps everyone in  the NI community and lets all get along ;))  I have about 3 hours invested in this solutions for a customer that will be very pleased I was able to create a solution to their issue over the weekend.




Additional Information:

Tested with: CanoScan 5600F


Hi Matt,

If the program is crashing when you call Acquire that usually indicates a problem with the scanner driver.  Try setting the property UseNewDSM to False, and do this before you call any other methods or properties of TwainControlX. This forces an older version of the TWAIN Source Manager to be used.  Some drivers behave better with this older version instead of the newest one.

Regards, Ian


Pricing 11/2013

1.The prices for TwainControlX licenses are: Single User License: $110 2 User License: $150 5 User License: $210 Corporate License: $330


VERY reasonable pricing to be successful. Smiley Happy


Matt Fitzsimons
NI Alliance Member
LabVIEW Champion
NI Certified LabVIEW Architect
LabVIEW, LV-RT, Vision, DAQ, Motion, and FPGA
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 9

Hi Matt,


Thank you for your help.

I am using your example and it is working, okay.... some things here and there don´t work but it is fine. For example with my Canon Scan LiDE 210 the brightness and contrast control does not work.
Could you tell me how did you create the first block for your Vi?


Kind regards,


0 Kudos
Message 9 of 9