I am using IMAQdx to set up and run USB cameras. I am seeing a lag after running just a few minutes. I am using an ELP black and white camera that is running at 1280X 800 frame size. It is running at 120FPS. I do not see the same lag when I use a program from the web. I need to be able to get these images and process them for targeting. All of this is written in LabVIEW at the moment but the camera image process seems to be slowing down.
Windows 11
LabVIEW 2024
Vision software
ELP USB camera
Microsoft LifeCam 3000
And another high speed USB camera
I pulled just the camera part of this code to see if anyone has suggestions as to what could cause this problem. The ELP camera seems to have the most problems with Lag.
You need to add a true constant to the event that I am registering to keep the program running.