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VBAI Rotate Image 90 Degrees for Display

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In VBAI we want to quickly rotate an image 90 degrees strictly for display purposes.

This is an image that is acquired from a GigE Vision camera.

It appears that the only rotation option in VBAI is the Vision Assistant Gometry tool, which, unfortunately does not update the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the image, clipping off the rightmost segment of the image.


Is there another, better way to rotate an image 90 degrees such that the width become the height and the height becomes the width of the new image?


Thanks in advance!





0 Kudos
Message 1 of 12

Hi Nelson,


Unfortunately, we do not expose the "Maintain Size" option of IMAQ Rotate in the Vision Assistant step in VBAI, which is set to TRUE.

The only option to rotate the image while allowing VBAI to resize it is to do it within a Run LabVIEW step.

You will have to create a VI that calls IMAQ Rotate, and save it in a LLB that you then call using the Run LabVIEW step from VBAI.

Make sure you read the FAQ tab of the help for detailed instructions on how to properly save the VI you're calling with the Run LabVIEW step.


Let me know if you need help. Hope this helps.


Best regards,



0 Kudos
Message 2 of 12

So, it is impossible in the Vision Builder application and only possible if, in addition, we purchase Labview with the vision developement module...

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 12

I can send you a llb that you can call from the Run LabVIEW step, if it is the only thing you would use LabVIEW and VDM for.

Which version of VBAI are you using and which target do you plan to deploy VBAI to?

But otherwise, you are correct, to augment VBAI's functionality using the Run LabVIEW step (or the VBAI SDK, which allows you to create your own steps), you need LabVIEW and Vision Development Module.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 12
You could also calibrate the image with axis 90 degrees off so when you correct the image it gets rotated. You can correct the calibrated image using the calibration step.

Hope this helps
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 12



We are running VBAI 2014 SP1 64 bit for configuration and run time on Windows 7 running on a new Intel-based PC.


Our end-user will greatly appreciate being able to see the image displays right-side-up!







0 Kudos
Message 6 of 12

Thanks for the calibration suggestion.


For this application we use a computed pixels-to-mm conversion constant rather than the VBAI Image Acquisition calibration feature because the VBAI calibration setup does not allow us to feed in measured positions of edges.  But your suggestion would be very helpful when performing a more comprehensive distortion correction from an image of a grid that is supported by VBAI.


Thanks again.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 12
Accepted by Nelson_Bridwell



Here is a LLB containing "VBAI" that you can call from the Run LabVIEW step.

Masker sure to set the value of Image Src to the current image, and Maintain Size to False.


Hope this helps,



Message 8 of 12

Thanks again, Christophe!!!


Works like a charm.



0 Kudos
Message 9 of 12

Glad it worked for you.

I just wanted to comment on your calibration post.


"For this application we use a computed pixels-to-mm conversion constant rather than the VBAI Image Acquisition calibration feature because the VBAI calibration setup does not allow us to feed in measured positions of edges."


Actually, it is possible to create a calibration based on edge detection results. You first have to first insert your edge detection step, then when you create the calibration, the wizard should list the points detected by the edge detection step as points you can use to define the calibration.

Once the calibration is created, you can calibrate the image from the acquisition step. Or use the Calibration step.

The calibration step allows you to do more advanced functionality, such as recalibrating at each iteration, if you know that the distance between 2 points detected by the edge detection step will always be the same, or reposition the calibration axis based on some points detected in the image.


Hope this helps clear out some confusion about the VBAI calibration capabilities.


Best regards,



Message 10 of 12