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VBAI save changes asterisk on a recently opened inspection

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I am having this problem sometimes. I am saving and closing an inspection. After that, when try to open that inspection, the asterisk icon which indicates there are changes in the inspection appears although I have opened this inspection recently and did not make any changes. I saw this problem generally with inspections having inspection interface configured but there has been times when that occured without configuring an inspection interface. So, I am not sure what configuration or which step creates this behaviour.


I have faced with this on all VBAI 2013, 2014 and 2015 until now. Has anyone encountered a similar behaviour?

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Message 1 of 13
maybe it is version problem
maybe it is lower version just save it and open again also maybe you can use save as and make copy to handle this problem
Message 2 of 13

Yes, this can be seen if an inspection opened in a newer version than it is last saved. But this is not the case.

I am saving an inspection just with the same version on the same computer.I even do not change the inspection path or do not close the VBAI platform itself.

I am just saving and closing the inspection, after re-opening it, the asterisk comes out.

Also save as does not make any difference.

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Message 3 of 13
so in this case the only think that could cause this issue is related to your VBAI setting and option is alter somehow try to check there and back changes to default
Message 4 of 13

This is a known issue but it shouldn't cause any problems. You should still be able to go directly to inspection mode without having to save again. Some steps may update the Params when the inspection is opened and even if the Params are unchanged it could still cause a dirty asterisk even though everything is still the same. Let us know if there is more than just a cosmetic issue that is causing problems for you. 


Hope this helpa


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Message 5 of 13


It is not just a visual issue. I have to save everytime when I want to go to inspection interface or close the inspection.

Although it does not make any problem when you use the software carefully, it is still very error prone because you can not know if you really made any difference in the inspection or not.

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Message 6 of 13
could you send image of front panel and problem that you face with
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Message 7 of 13

It is not a Labview VI so there is no front panel. Attached is the configuration and inspection interfaces of the VBAI application if that will help to identify the problem.

You can see at the top of the configuration window, asterisk icon appears even there is no change on the inspection.

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Message 8 of 13

If you launch VBAI and go straight to inspection mode and open your inspection, you should be able to run it without needing to save it first. You will need to attach your inspection if you want us to investigate further which step may be causing the asterik.




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Message 9 of 13

Attached is an example for that. But I have faced this problem many times with different computers and inspections.

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Message 10 of 13